Page Six

"Ah.." I was flattered to know someone liked our band a lot, and that it would upset someone to know their brother was with me. I wondered if they were close. I wonderd why everyone seems to have a stupid brother. I hated Jimmy more at this second. I have always wanted one. But whatever. Doesn't matter.
"Tell him I said, "he's not missing much"". Jimmy laughed and nodded in agreement. "How rude!" I thought. But needless to say, I didn't care.
"He said, "probably not/ I hear you're a big jerk anyways"." I shrugged my shoulders, cause I was just a jerk. Rick laughed at that.
"Jason..He was always rude." He said. Then he got a blank look on his face and added "And tall."
"I doubt he's all that tall. You're just short." I teased him, while I finished my last can of beer. I was wanting more, but I decided to not get anymore.
"Last time I knew he was 6"9!" Rick said. That was tall! I can only image how big he must be.
"Rhat's a big guy, eh?" I said shocked, at how tall he was.
"Just tall" Rick said. "Soo..we should do something or talk more" Rick had a bored look on his face.
"Can't we sit in silence? That's always fun." I asked him, missing the way it was with me and the rest of my band, all quiet and drinking or something. One day of this is driving me crazy. And still through all of my hate of this all, Rick is all over my mind. I didn't get it. How bothersome.
"That's so boring!" Jimmy said with a whiney tone to his voice
"Whatever. You guys do what you want." I told them, hoping they would leave me alone, or maybe get the idea I didn't want to do anything with them. I was hoping they would go to bed, so then I could get some sleep. But it didn't seem as if they weere going to.
"So, Tom, what was highschool like for you?" Rick asked me. I didn't know what to answer. "Nothing speical, a waste of time one could say." I answerd coldly. "Did you meet Sarah there?" Jimmy asked me all happy sounding. "I don't have to answer any of this, you know." I said and looked away. The truth is, Sarah and I have known eachother since way before highschool. I didn't want to mention anything abour Sarah from highschool. I hate how that even though she was the most talented in our class, on top of all the grades, and all, insted of being admired, she was hated, and treated bad, just like I was. I guess thats partly how we became so close. Jimmy had a disapointed look on his ugly face when I didn't tell him. But he didn't seem to let my coldness bring him down, and chatted away with Rick. They talked about there childhood more of high school, and all there friends. It was weird to see people like them, how they where so close, and had all theese friends I didn't get it, why are some people so lucky to have all the friends in the world, and others where hated and could never be loved by anyone. Still I didn't even care. I had all I needed, and wanted. I could go anywhere in the world I wanted to be, and everywhere I was, Sarah will always be by my side. As I got lost in my thoughts I started to drift into sleep. Next thing I know I was waking up, with a blanket over me, empty beer can in my hand, and a pain in my stomac from being so hungry. I looked up while yawning. I didn't see anyone else. I guess they are all in bed. I looked at the clock and saw it was about 7:00am. It was a little late to be getting up, normally I tried to be up no later then six. Oh, well I guess. I wondered who put the blanket on me. Was it Sarah, it was rather cold last night. I sat up and strecthed my arms over me head. My back hurt from laying on the couch. I slowly made my way to the kitchen, and got a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and a cold beer to drink. I sat on the couch and ate, I could hear people getting up, and starting there day. I wonder how awful today would be, seeing yesterday just dragged on and on. I wonder where that funny liltle kid, Sebastian was. I still needed to find out more infomation about him, without him knowing I was up to anything. I thought I'd go about learning about him a diferrernt way, I'd go through Rick, asking normal things about him. Plus, it gave me more time to be with Rick, I wanted to know more about him. I could see Rick comeing down stairs, and head for the kitchen. Perfect time to go talk to him. I went in the kitchen and put my empty bowl on the shelf. Still hungry, but now it's time to find out about Sebastain. "Morning" He said with a smile on his face. He was in the middle of cutting some vegetables, for a omllete he was going to be making. With the amount of food he had out, I could only asume he was fixing food for him and his friends. "Morning" I said with a yawn. "How'd you sleep?" He asked me. It was srange for him to be so kind, asking how I was an all. He doesn't know me, should he even care? "Not really." I answerd trying to bring myself to ask more about this kid, but I couldn't find the words to do it, or the want to talk anymore. I just wanted to watch Rick with his cooking. I watched him for a little bit,
