- Created By PaperBlueRose
-You must answer all the question truthfully..
-Tag at least 6 people after you've done and inform them on their pages...
-Tell what do you think of these question to the person who tagged you...let them taste your blade of fury...
01. What was the first anime you've ever watch?
Something Tobi was watching... Lucky... Star...
02. What anime influenced you to start drawing?
03. One of your favorite member criticize your artwork which you've spent hours on, you...
04. You judged an artwork based on what?
If it's made out of paper
05. Who's your favorite artist in TheOtaku? 'I don't know' is not an answer...
-.- Reenigrl
06. Who was the first member to talk to you?
Naruto, I do believe
07. What do you feel when a new member criticize your artwork?
08. You don't get too much hugs, favs or comment for an artwork you put your heart in, you...
09. You were hoping your favorite subscriber to leave a comment on your artwork, but they never did, you...
Don't care.
10. Did you get nervous when you're about to leave a comment in an Otaku Legend/Senior Otaku or any other high ranker's artwork?
I don't bother talking to anyone. I am only here to aide Nagato. Not build pointless relationships.
11. Did you subscribe back to those who subscribe to you?
12. Did you check the artworks of your subscriber?
13. How many times did you visit 'New Member Introduction' site in a week?
14. Last Question, do you like this question? And why is that?
-.- *click*
Another Tag.
Eye Color: Gray, or Red.
Hair Color: Blue
Height: 169.4 cm (5'5")
Favorite Color: Red, Black, Blue.
Screen Name: PaperBlueRose
Favorite Show: - -
Your Car: - -
Your Hometown: Ame
Your Present Town: Ame or the Akatsuki Base
Your First Crush's Name: *Cough* Why are you wasting my time?
Your Grade: - -
Sat on your rooftop? A few times.
Kissed someone in the rain? - -
Danced in a public place? Why would I?
Smiled for no reason? No.
Laughed so hard you cried? - -
Peed your pants after age 8? What the f***
Written a song? No.
Sang to someone for no reason? Uggghh, disgusting.
Performed on a stage? - -
Talked to someone you don't know? Nagato does most of the talking.
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? What's the point? They're only two people who mean anything to me, and I'm with them at all times.
Made out in a theater? - -
Been in love? No. Love is pointless.
Say HI to you? Tobi or Puppet
Tell you, I love you? - -
Kiss you? (No comment)
Hug you? Tobi.
Tell you BYE? I do not linger on goodbyes... so therefore I don't pay attention to them
Write you a note? Puppet.
Take your photo? *Shrugs*
Buy you something? I do not buy anything for myself, nor does anyone buy something for me.
Write a poem about you? - -
Touch you? I brushed past Deidara in the hall. That's it.
Time you cried? >.>
Time you laughed? I can't remember.
Song you've sang? More than likely a childhood song, during my childhood.
Time you've looked at the clock? Time is irrelevant, so I do not pay attention to it. Though I did just look now that you mentioned it.
Drink you've had? Jasmine tea I found on the table last night.
Book you've read? - -
Food you've eaten? I haven't eaten in awhile.
Shoes you've worn? My shinobi sandles.
Store you've been in? I don't go to stores much.
Thing you've said? "I am only in the Akatsuki to be with Nagato and Yahiko.
Write with both hands? Yes, pointless question.
Whistle? I haven't bothered to try.
Roll your tongue in a circle? - -
Cross your eyes? Why would I do something so foolish?
Touch your tongue to your nose? - - (Look above for answer)
Dance? (Look above for answer)
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Sleep leaves you vulnerable. So I rarely sleep.
Speak a different language? Yes.
Impersonate someone? Why would I do something so foolish?
Make a card pyramid? (Look above for answer)
Cook anything? Moon cakes and Cherubim steamed buns.
If I were... slightly interested in this tag I might give a s***
I wish... I could be with Nagato and not be in the Akatsuki.
So many people don't know that... I was sad when Nagato killed Jiraiya.
I am... done with this tag. *Click*
God's Angel
They meant everything to me
... Tagged...
-You must fill out EVERY question! No skipping!
-Tag five people after wards.
-Leave a message on their page telling them they're tagged.
1. Perfect? Somewhat.
2. Tall?: I'm tall for a woman.
3. In your pajamas?: In a way
4. Left handed?: No.
1. Friend you saw: Nagato
2. Talked to on the phone: I don't use the phone often.
3. Person to text you: -_-
4. Was today better than yesterday? There was a lot of noise yesterday...
1. Number: Why would I need a favourite number?
2. Color(s): Blue
3. Fruit: Oranges...
4. Place: Home
1. Are you missing someone right now? The only people I care about are with me
2. Are you happy? I guess.
3. Are you sad? I'm always a little somber
4. Are you bored? If I wasn't, would I be here?
6. Are you nervous? No.
8. Are you tired? No.
1. Eating? Miso Soup.
2. Drinking? Oblong Tea
3. I'm about to: Sleep
4. Listening to? The other Akatsuki members making racket, and Puppet humming.
5. Plans for today? The only thing I have left to do is to sleep
1. Drank bubbles? Why on earth would I do that?
2. Lost glasses/contacts? No.
3. Ran away from home? Only to follow my dearest friends.
4. Broken someone's heart? I don't think so.
5. Been arrested? How on earth would they get me?
1. Miracles? Possibly.
2. Yourself? I am only here to be of use to Nagato.
3. Heaven? No.
4. Santa Claus? Who?
4. Love? No.
5. Do you like someone? In what way?
6. Do you believe in God? The only God I believe in is Nagato and Yahiko.
7. Answered the truth on all questions? Sure.
Q: What was the first thing you did this morning when you got up?
A: Made tea.
Q: Do you have anything bothering you?
A: No.
Q: What's the last movie you saw?
A: Do security tapes count...?
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: The kitchen
Q: Do you smile a lot?
A: No
Q: Do you wish upon stars?
A: What's the point?
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: -_-
Q: Where did you sleep last night?
A: I didn't sleep.
Q: When was the last time you cried?
A: When Yahiko died.
Q: What was your last thought before going to sleep last night?
A: Why is the hideout so loud...
Q: Rate life as of right now one being bad ten being great?
A: 5
Q: What do you hear right now?
A: Tea boiling.
Q: Does anything hurt right now?
A: My ears. (Shut up)
Q: What's your favorite month?
A: Pointless.
Q: What did you do last night?
A: -_- Haven't we been over this?
I tag no one.