A Dream?

Continued From: 'All for The Gods: Part 2; Toshiro Awakens'

It was evening, or at least that’s what Sumi believed. Her body heavy and mind filled with thought. She was exhausted and she could take more. The second she sat still for more then a minute she was exposed. Her mind wandering freely in her dreams. The soul reapers, Toshiro, Aizen and her master. A master that had a hold on her like none other, a hold that could not be broken but by death.

Her death.

She could hear him. His voice. He calls her name. It was but only a whisper, but she hears it as if he stands next to her. He beckons.

“Kita. I know you can hear me, Kita.”
“Come home.”
“Come back to your master.”
“Come back to Las Noches.”

She sees him. Hidden in the shadows only his hand extends from the darkness. The pail white skin of the Cuarto Espada. She reaches for him then withdraws shivering from the coldness around her, or does she shiver from the thought of:

What would become of her if she did not return?

A beating heart within her chest no longer an unfeeling creature. Emotions washing over her she could not control. She did not belong in Las Noches in any event, but now that she bore emotion and a heart. She truly did not belong there.

She hears him again. Calling, calling her name. “Kita.”

“Come home.”

She grips her head shaking it hard. Tears of fear trickle down her cheeks.

“No. I do not belong there. I do not belong to you, nor Aizen.”

She backs away to get clear of his pail hand that reaches out for her. Backing, farther and farther away until there is nothing but darkness that surrounds her. But still his pail hand reaches for her. Fingers extended ready to grasp on to her at any given moment.

“I do. Not. Belong. There.”

Still backing away from his never ending reach. She closes her eyes hoping it will end. Hoping someone will wake her from this nightmare. Someone. Anyone.


She screams aloud echoing through the cave.

Continued To: 'In Her Defence'
