Winter's Touch:

Continued From: The Rescue; Part 2

Toshiro got up from his spot against the wall and turned to Kita.

"Could I get you to help me wash out this," he gestured to his red and black hair.

Kita looked up from the vines she was weaving together and smiled at Toshiro.

"Sure. It'll be nice to see the real you for once."

She stood and followed him to the nearest source of water in the cave. Kneeling down in front of the water Toshiro began to try and wash out the two colors.

He had to admit that he really missed his white hair…

As they rinsed and rubbed at the color it seemed to be very much staying where it was in Toshiro’s hair, but then again Kita had never seen Toshiro's real hair color so she was not sure what color she should be seeing once the color was gone. So Kita grabbed the soap near by.

“Close your eyes. I don’t want any of this getting in them.”

She waited for the go head before she added the soap to his hair.

He quickly closed his eyes and gave her the thumbs up.

She added the soap and started lathering the soap good all the way to his roots.

“So what color should I be looking for so I know when to stop?” Kita giggled softly.

At that moment the soap was a nasty blackish red color.

"White is my natural yeah..."

"White? Really? I am guessing white as snow and not the silver white of my hair?" She asked him now rinsing some of the soap and added more because the red did not want to release.

"Yes. Just like my Zanpakuto." He replied.

Kita nodded and continued to lather and rinse. “Well you better hope this red wants to release or you may have white hair with a pink tinge.” She told him.

Toshiro growled at the annoying thought of having a pink tinge to his hair as Kita giggled at his annoyance and continued to scrub at his hair and scalp. Still lathering and rinse she finally saw the shiny white hair that Toshiro told her was his natural color. She reached over grabbing a near by towel and dried out some of the water so when he stood he would not have a wet torso.

“Well I think you're good to go, Toshi.”

He turned around and muttered a "Thanks" from underneath the towel. Then walked over to the supplies. He pulled out his uniform and haori and was about to pull off his hakama when he noticed she was still watching him.

".......Um, could you turn around?"

Kita was not even really paying attention to him. She just happened to be looking his way. She was startled by him speaking to her snapping her back to reality when he ask her to turn around.

"Oh. Yes. I am sorry."

She turned her back to Toshiro and let him finish what he was doing. He also turned around and continued to change into his uniform. He thought to himself as he adjusted the haori.

"I'm starting to feel more like me again..."

Looking around the back of the cave she waited for Toshiro to finish. Suddenly she turned looking his way once more. Her sapphire blue eyes glowed against the flickering fire next to her. She watched as he grabbed Hyourinmaru from his resting place against the wall and slid him onto his back. As he was adjusting the chain around the crest he heard Kita call him.

"Toshi?" She called his name in a questing tone.

He turned around and looked over at her, "Hm?"

Kita smiled brightly nodding at Toshiro. “You look much better as a Soul Reaper than an Arrancar.”

At the blink of Toshiro’s eyes Kita was standing in front of him and a sharp hot pain shot through his chest. He looked down seeing the handle of the dagger Phoenix had given Kita protruding from his chest. The blade firmly implanted into his heart. He stumbled forward into her catching her shoulders to keep him from falling to the ground.

He looked at her with betrayal flooding from his eyes.

His jaw clenched tight from the pain.


It was his only question.

Kita bowed her head, but...

It was not to cry.

It was not to mourn.

It was to whisper her last words to Toshiro, in his ear...

"Anata ni, watashi wa raise no kisu o ataeru, Toshiro Hitsugaya."

She pressed her lips to his softly. Pulling the dagger from Toshiro’s heart she then stepped away letting him fall to the floor of the cave. As he fell Hyourinmaru erupted in his human form from his blade to catch him.

“Master! Master," Hyrouinmaru roared with fear.

Kita did not care to watch Hyrouinmaru fawn over his master as he lay in his arms dying. She wanted to go home.

Back to Las Noches.

Back to her master.


To where she really belonged.

She walked toward the barrier lifting the dagger over her and watched a single drop of Toshiro’s blood drip down onto the back of her hand. At that she could walk through the barrier with ease.

Hyrouinmaru gently laid Toshiro down on the cave floor. Toshiro, with his last ounce of strength created a small dragon earring with a message inscribed next to it in his own blood.

"I'm sorry, Tsuki..."

He was unable to complete his message, for…

Toshiro Hitsugaya,

Captain of Squad 10,

Of the Gotei 13…

Was dead.

Hyrouinmaru gazed down at his fallen master, tears welling up and immediately freezing as his spiritual power surged with regret, sorrow, and anger. He gazed around the cave and spotted Kita, rage filled his eyes. He let out a tremendous roar that shook the very Earth, his reiatsu exploded from his body in all directions.

Kita stepping through the barrier heard Hyrouinmaru roar. She turned to look at the creature just out of curiosity of what he looked liked. As she looked at him she snapped her fingers opening the garguanta. She had just stepped into the gate and it started to close as Hyrouinmaru’s frozen reiatsu came at her. She assumed the gate would be closed before any of his wrath reached her, but she was mistaken. The blast of his reiatsu rushed through the slight opening. Kita raised her arm covering her face she twisted her body to avoid being badly hurt, but she still took a hit from his extreme frozen fury. She was badly frostbitten on the back of her left arm. The gate finally closing, Kita stood erect and shook off the cold that captured her body. She turned and headed for Las Noches and her awaiting master.

While still in the heavenly realm everything that Hyrouinmaru’s reiatsu touched instantly froze:

The cave.

The wind.

The water.

Any life within hundreds of miles froze with his wrath. In a matter of seconds thousands of square miles of lush beautiful forests, billowy grassy plains, and gorgeous flowing waterfalls turned into a frozen icy wasteland. An unending blizzards bashed the icy tundra with the cave as it's epicenter.

The ice cave...

The final resting place for his master.

Hyrouinmaru would make sure it was a fitting one.

He lifted his young master and placed him in an ice coffin that rose from the center of the room and fully encased him. On all the walls was a depiction of Hyourinmaru's crest as a testament to his masters power. He returned to his blade that was buried with his master's body.

He would never let the storm end.

He would make sure his master stayed undisturbed.

Continued To: The Crowned Gates
