Untitled ( yet again )

Life is beyond my reach
I haven't been able to give life
I can only take it away from those whom are unaware of my presence in this world
Many would call me by several names, given their ethnic background
Some would call me the goddess of darkness, daughter of the night
Others would most likely call me the Lady of the Darkness
But...I am none of these things
I am merely a remnant of a past civilization that has died out over the centuries
I am one of the few who remain from my people
We were once the caretakers of this world
That was our sole purpose of being brought into it
But we didn't do our duties right...so the one who created my people
Made humans to do it in our stead
With nothing more to do to take care of the Earth
My people stepped down from the role of caretakers and slowly let the world of humans consume what was left of a huge civilization of Immortals
We immortals didn't do anything that would draw attention to ourselves throughout the long centuries that we've been on this planet
We simply just blended in with those around us watching...always watching from a distance
We watched from a distance because we didn't want our race to be completely wiped out like most of the ancient human races
You see, my people preferred to keep our bloodlines pure of any diluted blood whatsoever
And would do anything to keep it that way

Standing here on the street out in the pouring rain
I can almost pretend that this small town I now reside in was filled with my people
That the entire town was built for my people to thrive in
But it isn't and that makes it all the more bittersweet
Just like a bittersweet candy that the children whom live in this town enjoy so much
As I close my eyes and lift my head up as if to look at the heavens above
I can almost pretend that my love was with me right now
I can almost feel his arms wrapping around my waist and drawing me close
And I can almost smell his scent on my skin
But as I open my eyes again when I feel rain begin to turn into a light sprinkle
I remember he went far away from this place to a more secluded area
Just like the remaining survivors of my people have done
Now what I'm about to tell you is something humans have forgotten when we first made our appearance in their lives
Each of my people come from different branches of power
Some come from beings of life itself
Some come from beings of light
Some come from beings of darkness
Others come from the elements themselves
Then there are the rare few like me who come from the being of death
We are the ones whom are most feared in the end
Because we choose the fate of humanity's actions
