It hurts me
To see the humas destroy this planet
This planet flourished once
Yet as you look at it now
All you cna see is a dying
Decaying planet
A planet that was once filled with unimaginable things
Things that humans took from it without knowing the dire consequences
I was born to protect this planet
Yet I have failed it
I let the humans take from it
I let the humans take it's life force from it
I let it die
I let it down in the worst way possible
Though it pains me to say so
I have killed this planet
As I look at the planet
The humans call their home planet
The planet Earth
All I see is a planet of decaying matter
A planet that once flourished with life
A planet now decaying inside out
Though it's inhabitants haven't noticed yet
They soon will face their doom
No matter what they do
Because I will help end this planet's suffering
By bringing down my scythe upon it
So that it may one day
Be reborn
And thrive yet again