Heart of a Child

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So, here I am, again. Our class would be this coming June 8 so I may not come here as frequent as before. Anyway, it will not change anything after all. I'm still an anime fan. And I would come here whenever I would have my free time.

I will enter again a school where in my classmates would say,"Why are you still watching animes? You're already too old for that!" or things like that. But it's just something that I love so much that I just can't leave it. I can't even wait for the upcoming releases of the mangas I've been reading or even the animes I've been watching.

If they say that only children and kids should watch animes, then I might have a heart of a child. Or should I say we?

Anyway, I just want to tell everyone that do what you want to do. Don't leave it just because someone said something about it.

Well then, see ya!

To Eiichirō Oda-san, thank you so much for creating One Piece. I've learned so many things from it and it is really a great manga! Wish you more success.

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