A Black Nightmare

She suffered from a nightmare,
her deppression that she couldn't bare.
A split between dream and strife,
Her nightmare had become her life.
She had to live her life this way,
Her mind once filled with great intentions were now gray.
There was nothing left she wanted..
As she laid her eyeliner smeared,
While she cried remembering what she feared.
She got up and took the bloody needle from her drawer,
And felt nothing as she watched her blood hit the floor.
One moment later she woke up by the graveyard,
And looked at her lovers grave as if it were barred.
The grass was then filled with blood,
Her wrists burned as she fell in the rain slamming her fist in the mud.
She tore the knife from her pocket,
And slit her throat tearing her vocal chord from her socket.
Where her dreams faded away,
It was at that moment she was killed by the nightmare...

By: Soul Assasin
