Welcome, everyone! I'm glad you stopped by. Please, feel free to flip through the pages.

That Season Again...

When I was out driving for work, I passed the sign that said, "Beware of dive-bombing crows" by the library. February seems a bit early for nesting. In the meantime, I'll avoid the library and hope I don't get attacked again....

Another Wednesday

I like the new feature system theO is sporting. Kudos whoever's idea that was.

Water pipes broke again. The water's shut off until 2pm. I think I can make it.

Last full week of term. Of course we're being slammed with stuff now....


I haven't been sleeping well lately. I'm usually ready to sleep by midnight or so but not so much this week. Maybe it's because I don't move around enough (or my evening naps) but I can't sleep. Amazingly I've stayed awake in class, so I guess it doesn't matter too much.

This term is surprisingly free. Besides the fact that I have a four hour class every day, with a good amount of reading on most days, I've had oodles of fun time. School has ruined me to be a work-a-holic so having so much free-time makes me antsy. I've checked out some books from the library....I don't expect them to last me very long though. The last batch I read in two days.

I also (finally) got my hands on a dressform. I had someone size me back in December but wasn't able to get to a dressform until now. I messed with it today and satisfactorally got it to match my measurements. This is a huge step forward in my cosplay, since everything was hinging on that darn dressform.

A couple of my friends had me watch Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt...and I can't decide if I like it or not. If you're wondering what it is...think Powerpuff Girls meets soft core porn and you're probably in the right ball park. It's...so bad....but still has an okay plot line. A lot of people have been cosplaying it recently.


So I don't really have anything, uh, logically flowing to tell you (<--that didn't even make sense), just a bunch of random things.

Firstly, Castle. Watching it last night I noticed that Castle and Beckett have reusable coffee mugs. How do I know? I've got the same model. :) Way to be eco-friendly (they also save you money). While I was watching the second season, I realized that Castle's character in his book is named Rook. Hee hee. Chess reference. Very smooth, Castle.

Secondly, Okami. I bought the soundtrack a little while ago. Beautiful game, by the way. You should check it out if you haven't already. Anyway, the last three songs are old-style bit songs. Made me smile.

Thirdly, Twilight Princess. I finished it the other day (just in time for break to end). I'm not sure how I feel about the ending yet. But the last battle was a lot of fun, if a little difficult.

Fourthly, anime club just won second place for the art walk!!! That means we got a nice check. Woo! Thank the painting gods! That's a beautiful start to the new year!

On the Third Day of Christmas

Merry (belated) Christmas! I hope you all had a good one. I certainly enjoyed my holiday. It's a little hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone. I must not be feeling the season this year. Maybe it's the lack of snow (although I heard that we're getting some on Wednesday).

Besides the holidays, it's been a fairly uneventful break thus far. Had to go into work one day. It was pretty quiet, so it was a lot of drawing and watching movies for me. My friend had a birthday last Monday so we went out to dinner. She made me marshmellows from scratch. S. is super crafty like that.

The other two co-presidents of anime club at school (along with myself) have landed a guest speaker to come talk during spring semester. I've seen the guy talk once before (at last year's con). He's a pretty funny guy and very interesting so we're all really excited about having him come. Hopefully the members will be just as excited.

I've been watching a lot of Castle lately. You know, when I first started watching that show, I thought I had missed the entire first season. Turns out that I came in at the second episode. And the first season is only ten episodes long (why so short?!). Snagged the second season really quick. Unfortunately, they always rerun the second season, so I've seen these episodes a bunch of times. But god I love that show!

It's only the third day of Christmas, y'all. Enjoy your other nine days! And watch Castle!