
I hope everyone had a good Halloween. I personally am not really into holidays but I dressed up anyway and passed out candy to the kids. Two of my friends (who are dating each other) dressed up as mimes and ran around and posed with people, etc. Best costumes this year (besides the family that dressed up as charaters from the Wizard of Oz).

Yesterday I also tried to cast resin for the first time. Wasn't a great experience. It's a lot harder than it looks but I'll keep on trying anyway. I've got lots of the materials, I might as well use them. But I sort of have to work fast because if it's too cold, the resin will freeze and we don't want that happening.

Anime Club had an art contest for October. We got five submissions. I was just happy to have gotten anything out of anyone. Hopefully our next event (a sort of making hats to-your-order thing) will bring in a lot of money so we can get out of the red.

Oh, and I did take back those CDs that I bought (see last two posts). I think owning pirated stuff is worse than ripping them off the internet for free. I mean, you're paying SOMEONE for this merchandise and it's not the artist that you appreciate. So I took it back and felt much better for it. At least not all of the stuff in that store is pirated.

Ah, November. Registration of classes starts soon. And the term is half way over. I'm excited. Hoping everyone is well. Till next time.
