
So I don't really have anything, uh, logically flowing to tell you (<--that didn't even make sense), just a bunch of random things.

Firstly, Castle. Watching it last night I noticed that Castle and Beckett have reusable coffee mugs. How do I know? I've got the same model. :) Way to be eco-friendly (they also save you money). While I was watching the second season, I realized that Castle's character in his book is named Rook. Hee hee. Chess reference. Very smooth, Castle.

Secondly, Okami. I bought the soundtrack a little while ago. Beautiful game, by the way. You should check it out if you haven't already. Anyway, the last three songs are old-style bit songs. Made me smile.

Thirdly, Twilight Princess. I finished it the other day (just in time for break to end). I'm not sure how I feel about the ending yet. But the last battle was a lot of fun, if a little difficult.

Fourthly, anime club just won second place for the art walk!!! That means we got a nice check. Woo! Thank the painting gods! That's a beautiful start to the new year!
