I Guess I'm "It"

Normally, I don't do these meme survey things. But because it was James who tagged me, I'm gonna do it. So here we go. Rules first.

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

1. What is your favorite anime of all time?
All time, huh? That's a big question. I think I'm gonna say The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya just because I'm a huge fan of metahumor. And sarcastic side comments.

2. If you could learn any language, what would it be?
Hands down, Korean. You know how a lot of people say that they like the sound of Italian or Spanish because it sounds poetic and romantic? That's sort of how I feel about Korean. I'd like to fully learn Japanese and Russian though.

3. How did you find theOtaku.com? And why did you join?
I think I found theO when I did a Google search way back when I was starting to really get into anime and such. I haunted the place for a year, made a good friend, and then decided to sign up. Maybe I joined for the community. That was before I had friends who also liked anime.

4. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
I guess the answer to this depends on what age your thinking of. If we're going back really far, I'd say Pokemon. It came out at an time of my life when I easily became obsessed with things (you know how kids are). It would air before I got home from school so I made my mom tape it for me so I'd be able to watch it.

5. What is your favorite quote? Why?
I don't really have one favorite, so I'll just pick one. "Life isn't fair, just blunt." Came out of the last play we were working on (the one which had its rights pulled). I think I liked it because it rang true but also was funny and sad in its context.

6. What gives you the creeps?
Awkward movements. Shaking, twitching, jerking--things like that. Watching someone or something go through movements like that freaks me out.

7. What would your dream job be?
Being the next Rachel Carson.

8. (Fill in the blank) Oh, Edward Cullen how I ______ you.
"love to ignore."

9. Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Never trying. Guilt is the worst thing ever.

10. What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
I shake really badly when I drink alcoholic beverages.

11. Do you push the elevator button more than once?
No. Just because you send the same signal more than once DOES NOT mean that the elevator is going to move any faster. It's a MACHINE for crying out loud.

Alright, eleven people to tag. Usually this is where I break the rules but I'll try not to this time.
Snow fox – don’t know if you’re around anymore but just in case…
Artist0625 – you haven’t posted in a really long time
Gamer777 – same as above
Chibimaster – you also haven’t posted in a really long time
UnknownRumors – you seem to be wanting questions to answer all the time anyway
Maidenoflife – this seems like something you’d like
Serenitytsu – same as above
…Yep, I think I’ll stop there. I really don’t know enough people around here. I told you I’m a rule breaker with these survey memes. Most of you, I don't even know if you come here anymore but I'm gonna tag you anyway. Expect a PM.

Now the section where I answer Someguy's questions.

1. Are you a black leather kind of person or a brown leather kind of person?
Black leather. Brown, I feel, only works is certain situations. Black is universal.

2. What was the first thing you ever cooked on a stove-top by yourself?
Rice. And burned it terribly.

3. If there was one physical bodily thing you wouldn't mind changing, what would it be?
My legs.

4. What was the last time you ever had to explain a weird/niche fandom to someone about?
Probably a couple of weeks ago, when I was trying to explain to E. about cosplay. I don't think he got it.

5. What is the best aspect/trait/feature of bacon?
The crispy-ness.

6. If you had to get into a fistfight, what would your favourite/most confident attack be?
Probably kicks to the face. That's not using my fists but I feel more confident in my legs than I do in my arms. And why not use your legs? You're in a fight.

7. Have you ever been caught singing something embarrassing in public before you realized you were doing it?
No, I don't think so.

8. What is the worst pick-up line you have ever told or have ever been told?
Thankfully, I've been spared both of those situations.

9. What is your favourite fancy essay-type word?
"Exponentially." Not too fancy but I still like using it.

10. If you were despot of a small, completely indoctrinated nation, what would the national chant be?
"BRAINS!!!" That was all I could think of. Apparently my country would be all zombies, or highly intellectual.

11. If you could go back in time and change one thing in your life, keeping in line with what's important to you right now, these days, what's on your mind, what would it be?
Probably moving when I was young.

So this is the part where I make up my own questions, yeah? Okay, here we go.

1. What were you procrastinating on/avoiding in order to fill this out?
2. Really? You have that much time?
3. What do you happen to be craving right now?
4. What is the best pet name/nick name that you have ever used or heard?
5. What is your least favorite word and why?
6. What is the geekiest thing you have ever said or done?
7. What is a word that you often misspell?
8. Between your five senses, which one would you give up if you had to?
9. If you could suddenly have an accent, which one would it be?
10. Is there something that you really hate early in the morning?
11. What kind of rain do you like best: drizzle, sprinkling, normal rain, downpour, or none?

Have fun with those.
