
Today was my birthday! Well, it would be yesterday, comparing to theO time. I took the day off work so I could enjoy myself. But really all I did today was catch up on chores and have dinner with my family. Ha ha. My idea of a holiday is...strange. Still! I enjoyed myself!

Otherwise, I've finished writing my manuscript and am now looking to publish. I've been looking for a company who is willing to take it as a novel and a manga. That's a lot harder than it sounds. I've only found two. Before I do all that, though, I think I'm going to have one of my Japanese friends read through it and make sure I didn't make any huge errors. I also have to decide how I'm going to go about doing the screentones. Whether I should do it via computer program or by hand. Each method is easily available to me but I'm not feeling very confident in either. What do you guys think? Please note that I'm trying to be as professional-looking as possible.

I've also done a lot of art lately. Of course, none of it is making it here. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to use my old scanner with my laptop. It's going to be an explosion. Things tend to pile up after a while. When I am able to put things up again, I'll be posting my first fan comic! Well, it's not exactly a "fan comic"...and it's not the first time I've done a comic...but still! I've only posted fan arts (and one article) while I've been a member so it'll be good to branch out into other areas of theO. I'm excited.

All other moments of free time outside of work have been devoted to a bag I'm sewing for a friend. I think I've mentioned I sew here before. Anyway, I made a gift for her one time and she liked it so much she insists that I make her other things. I don't particularly mind but this bag is so frustrating! It's a panda/totoro design (how that mixes I'm not sure but I've been able to do it) and it has a lot of detail so it's taking FOREVER. Oh well.

Well, I should go end my birthday celebrating and go to bed. Till next time.
