2013, huh?

Normally, I'd probably do a little reflection on 2012 but I'm not feeling it this time around. Some big exciting things happened at the beginning of the year and that was about it. Not worth talking about. So, onward, 2013!

My laptop informed me that the battery is dying. If I'm lucky, I can make the charge last for an hour but I've noticed that amount of time is dropping. I've been wondering if I should just buy a replacement battery, or buy a new laptop. The touchpad is a little finicky too, where it thinks it's sensing things that aren't really there. So it pauses music and movies often without my prompting. What do you guys think: new battery or new laptop?

Met my brother's girlfriend today. Well, not met--hung out would be a better phrase. We've met several times before. We took her on a new year's shopping outing. It might be my older sibling protectiveness, but I don't like the girl. My parents told me I just have to grit my teeth and bear it.

On a good note, however, I got a new job. It's stable, closer to home, eventually full time, and pays well. At least I will be able to start the new year on a good note.

Hope your 2012 has been good, your 2013 even better, and your celebrations tonight are happy. Until next time.
