
Welcome to spring, everyone! It's the start of one of my favorite seasons. I think I really got to enjoy it today when I got home from school.

Well, by the time I did get home, it was just starting to rain. But it was one of those really weird rains where it's very sunny but yet still raining. My mom and brother left for baseball practice, so I was by myself. I was doing my Lit homework (reading) and at some point I realized I could hear the rain. After school, there's usually someone home so it is rarely ever quiet. But today there was only silence. I could hear the rain rolling off the roof and it seemed (to me) to keep time with the ticking seconds of the clock in the kitchen. I relished in the silence.

At another time I could hear a plane somewhere. I live about two hours away from the airport but I can still see and hear planes all the time. Even when I can't see them, I can hear them. The sound from the plane always seemed to me to be the sound of the sky, like a wind high up. But there's only silence in the sky, isn't there? It was a strange thought and I was amused by it for a while.

Heh heh. Listen to me. I sound like the authors I have to read for Lit. I guess that happens when you read books for long amounts of time. You start to think in the way that they write.
