Greatest Day Comes to Fruition

Last time I went on how it was the greatest day of my life for three reasons. To recap--1) celebrity chat, 2) S-chan finding LoZ jacket, and 3) WoT update.

I don't wander into the chat room very often. But I was determined to be at this celebrity chat and NOTHING was going to keep me from being there. If you were there, you'll know how crazy it was. If you weren't, let me describe. For one thing, the chat was flying by. Not once was there any lapse or pause in the constant stream of chatter. People were really going crazy. I'm so glad the chats are moderated. The funny thing about me as that the closer I am to something that excites me, the calmer and more serious I am. The chat was no exception. I had a list of questions prepared beforehand and none of mine got in there but most of them were answered anyways through other members asking them basically the same thing that I wanted to.

And then my jacket came the other day. It's a little big for me but I don't really care because it's amazing. Scribblepop wanted some pictures, so here's what it looks like:

This is the front. I'll post the back in the next post I make.

In other, more current things, it's spring break right now. Awesome. I've been really needing this break and I look forward to the sleep and recharge.

Also, I have become a co-president of my school's anime club. I didn't think that I'd jump into a leadership role so quickly but I did. So three of my friends, along with myself, are co-presidents. We've got all sorts of cool things planned. For one, we decided to make ourselves pins stating what we are co-president of (because we split up the jobs) and make armbands, like in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. We're such geeks sometimes. It'll be a lot of fun though. This Saturday we'll be watching Advent Children and 5 Centimeters per Second. I'm most excited for the latter. I loved Voices of a Distant Star and it's by the same director.

There is a con in two weeks that a friend and I, along with cousin thinkanti, will be going to. I can't believe how close it is. It really snuck up on me. This year is going by so quickly, it's crazy.

I know I promised two musings a while ago and I'm sorry I haven't put them up yet. I haven't had the time to do research on The Count of Monte Cristo yet. They're all half-formulated because I've been so busy there's no time to think. Hopefully over this spring break I'll be able to write something decent. We'll see and I'll let you know.
