Jumble of Things

I had ramen today for lunch. It was great. I haven't had ramen in a really long time.

Did you know that it rains under trees? Well, not really, of course. There are some days when it's only "raining" under trees but not anywhere else. I think it's from the water collecting on the leaves and then falling. It happens when it's really foggy in the morning too. I think it's kind of fun, actually. My thoughts jump around a lot (if you haven't figured that out already). Here's an example of when I was thinking about how it rains under trees: You know, that'd be really cool to have in a fantasy novel or something--plants that rain on themselves. Yeah. Under trees it could rain and under something smaller, like house plants, it could just mist. That would be kind of a perk. Self watering plants. No, no. That wouldn't work. They'd end up drowning themselves. The percilation of the soil would have to be really fast. Okay, stopping. You know you're a geek when you start using scientific terminology when talking about fantasy novels. But it's a fantasy novel. No one is going to think about soil percilation. And so now you've glimpsed into my mind. Scary, isn't it?

There's actually snow on the ground today. It snowed a lot last night but it's warmed up pretty fast so it's mostly gone now. I don't think anyone minds though. Everyone is sort of sick of snow from December.

Speaking of geek-dom, I have a musing in mind. It'll probably be my most intellectual one (right up there with my Musing on FF8) but I'm hoping I can explain things clearly enough.

Today is my last day of spring break. I'm very sad. I feel like it hasn't happened at all. I could go for another two weeks. So I'll get to start my week with a test. That'll be great. I'm not worried about it though; I'm more worried about the other things I've got to do this week, like class registration. -_-'

I know this was a total jumble of things (hence the title). Sorry about that. Just thought I'd share my thoughts with you. Hope all of you are well!

The jacket back. <3
