Not Much

Hm...Not much to talk about....Just a bunch of random things.

There's a lot of pollen around. It's literally dusting everything. It's collected in the cracks in the ground so when you walk around, everything looks yellow tinted. That's a lot of pollen. People with really bad allergies must be dying right now. I'm surprised that I'm not, actually.

I'm slowly coming to realize that there's only a month of school left. Crazy.

Anime Club finished watching Cowboy Bebop last night. I really liked it, and am actually contemplating buying it. But I MUST buy the soundtrack. I loved the music. I knew that (spoiler warning! -->) Spike would die in the end, so I guess that I wasn't quite effected as much as the others. One of my friends said that the last episode was a total turn on. We made a joke about, as her friends, we should build a syndicate and then have her boyfriend go through it so they can have sex in the end. Ha ha. I snickered about it all night. Snickered. Ha. What a weird word.

I'm very tired today, can you tell?

Drew a live model today in art. That was interesting. We were doing gesture drawings, where we had 30 seconds to get the feel of the figure. It was a little stressful but also a lot of fun. I really like that class.

It's sunny today again. I hope that, if you've got nice weather too, you enjoy it. Till next time.
