YuYu Hakusho Beyond! Saga I : Impending Elements

Last time, Hiei and Yusuke in disguise finished their initiation into the Order of Zerka. The final task had to do with finding a key to their power on Draconta, a two headed dragon. Hiei found a stone more beautiful than Hiruiseki stones that reflects his true self and desires while Yusuke is shaken from his search by one of Draconta’s flying loops. In the meantime, the first week of Kurama’s visit with his siblings draws to a close. Will they want him to stay longer? And if so, what do they plan to do with him?

Episode 8 : Thirteen Survivors

[Draconta flies through the air. Below, Sukeyuay shouts as he plummets to his foreseen doom. After the shout, he realizes that the blade does not feel like grass. He looks at it and sees that it really is a feather.]

Yusuke Voiceover: Huh? What’s this? I didn’t know dragons had feathers. It seemed attached like it was his rather than a giant bird leaving it behind. If so than maybe it will have some special power. Might as well give it a shot before I’m road kill.

[Sukeyuay rolls in the air so his front faces the ground. He extends his arms with feather in one hand and closes his eyes. His head sags lower than his body then he swoops and shoots back upwards in the sky. Sukeyuay opens his eyes and sees he is levitating.]

Sukeyuay: WOO-HOO!!! [flies in a backwards loop] Check me out! I can fly!

[Sukeyuay chuckles as he experiments with his newfound freedom, concluding with flying off towards the ledge where the leaders await the new members.]

* * *

[Yokira, Okiya, Endoya, and Osuko are all curled up together sleeping in a room of their cave. One by one they start to wake up, stretch and untangle themselves from each other. Endoya rubs an eye and looks around.]

Endoya: Awww. Where has little Yoko disappeared to now?

Okiya: Does he really hate us so much now that he won’t spend any time with us?

Osuko: Fearless Leader is gone too; perhaps he’s teaching that twerp another lesson...

Yokira: [introverted] hmmm…

Osuko: Well…tomorrow we decide, and I say we should keep him here.

Okiya: Ah, yes. We have no reason to send him away so soon.

Remayolo: [walks into cavern] I see my lazy siblings are finally awake.

Endoya: Little Yoko isn’t with you after all?

Remayolo: He is somewhere about. In the meantime, I have thought of another tactic to restore the foxy spirit of our brother.

Okiya: Stupendous! I yearn for his true return.

Remayolo: Agreed. It has been hard to work around the limitations set up. [piercing glance at Yokira]

Yokira: It’s not my fault!

Osuko: So what is the plan?

[Remayolo kneels down and grabs a stick. The other fox demons gather around him as he starts to draw with the stick on the ground.]

Remayolo: Siblings, we are going to take a little trip. Our brother needs to remember the good times we have had. Now there is a mission I have devised that will leave him longing to return to his old form. However we will have to start small in order to build up to it, you all know how clumsy he is on these things.

Okiya: Ah, so we’ll start by infiltrating the Forgotten Fortress beyond the Worrisome Woods. We haven’t been back there since we were foxlings.

Endoya: And then we’ll work our way over to Den of Danger!

Osuko: But what is the big finale you have in mind?

Remayolo Oh, you’ll see, I will tell you all when we are ready so as not to trip over a pebble with our eye on the finish line.

[Kurama walks into the cavern. Yokira sees him and jumps up to embrace him.]

Yokira: Brother!

[The Okiya and Endoya also get up to welcome Kurama.]

Okiya: Oh, you seem so stuffed up in our little den.

Endoya: Yes, how would you like to go out with us? Remember the Worrisome Woods?

Kurama: I have no intention to join you in your endeavors.

Okiya: You do not wish to come along?

Endoya: Don’t be such a fraidy-cub!

Osuko: You’re skills really have grown weak haven’t they?

Kurama: [turns] I don’t have to deal with this. [leaves]

Yokira: [watches Kurama leave then turns on the others] What do you think you are doing? That’s the same behavior that drove him away in the first place!

Remayolo: Your time in the human world has skewed your perception.

Yokira: No. No it hasn’t! All your tantalizing caused him to run away where he was in a burglary by himself and wounded to the point of merging with a human just to survive! It’s your own fault he is like this now! [dashes off after Kurama]

* * *

[Draconta gives a final howl then swoops down to the ground. After landing, he curls up and resumes his slumber. Teen Koenma, Botan, and George sit on the tail with dizzy eyes.]

Botan: Eh…

George: Mommy…

[Back on the ledge with the prominent Zerka figures stands Marduk, Ehay, and a few of the other survivors from the initiation. Sukeyuay flies in and puts his feet out to land but the inertia from his upper body causes him to roll over until he stops.]

Ehay: Welcome back.

Sukeyuay: [rubbing sore bottom] Gee thanks.

Initiatory Demon: There will be a few stragglers, we’ll commence when they arrive.

Sukeyuay: Wow, for once I’m not the last.

Initiatory Demon: [emotionless] Congratulations.

[Sukeyuay gets up and limps over to Ehay.]

Sukeyuay: Whew! Either I’m exhausted from all this initiation or that feather really drained a lot out of me.

Ehay: That is of little surprise. Powers come with a cost, and the price usually comes from your energy. So you found a pretty little feather.

Sukeyuay: Yeah, I don’t know if I should wear it in a hat like Peter Pan or stick it in my nose like Dumbo.

[A few more join the group, totaling to 12 survivors.]

Ehay: You should stick it where it can be a tail feather to help your landings.

Sukeyuay: That’s not funny. That was my first time. [calms down] So what did you get?

Ehay: Shhh.

Demon #1: So Marduk, did you get the dragon’s blood?

Marduk: Hm. Just try to hurt me it won’t work!

[Demon #1 slashes at Marduk who doesn’t bother to block. The attack is ineffective.]

Demon #1: Wow! That’s impressive; I just got these two shiny scales. But they sure do give me some strange feelings.

Demon #2: Ha, I made it to Draconta’s head and hid in his mouth and chiseled out some of his smaller teeth. [holds up a sharp tooth between thumb and forefinger] With all the rows upon rows, he’ll never miss them!

Marduk: Very good, Ossaplam, those can make a painful weapon, but not enough to scratch me still!

[Risho approaches with a very smug and satisfied look on his face.]

Sukeyuay: [side note to Ehay] Wonder what he’s so happy about…

Initiatory Demon: Well, well. 13 of you survived, that is impressive.

Zerk: [stepping forward] Congratulations to all of you. Welcome to the brotherhood!


[On the outside of the foxes’ layer some-way up the mountain, Kurama stands leaning on a ledge and overlooks the surrounding area. The soft light of a full Demon World moon illuminates his gentle face. A slight breeze plays with his hair. While he ponders, Yokira slips out of a burrow from behind.]

Kurama: [without turning] Yes Yokira?

Yokira: Dear brother. You have become such an enigma. You haven’t even tried to spend time with us. In fact, it seems like you strive to avoid any interaction with us whatsoever.

Kurama: I do not enjoy the feelings of inadequacy the others impose on me.

Yokira: [sigh] I know the others can get a bit carried away with their teasing, but they are glad to see you back…and they would be happier to see your old self. Why won’t you change back? Even just for one day?

Kurama: I made a choice, one that I cannot go back on. That life was a lie for me. In following the path of Suichi, I am true to myself…who I really am.

Yokira: That life is so weak, how can you accept that above our family bond? Is our family no more than a lie to you?

Kurama: Yokira, I wish you could know the happiness I have found in the Human World; and the true meaning of a family.

[A moments pause. Yokira walks up beside Kurama and leans on the ledge.]

Yokira: Another Demon World night fast approaches, dear brother. You are not nearly as nocturnal as before.

Kurama: I hope this will be my last night with you. [turns away from Yokira]

Yokira: Come now, didn’t we find ‘happiness’ before? [embraces Kurama from behind, setting chin on his neck] Hmmm?

Kurama: [turns face away from hers] Stop.

Yokira: [slight hypnotic musical tone] Why? [runs hands up to Kurama’s shoulders] Afraid to find out that what you have deemed a lie to be true? [gently massaging Kurama’s shoulders] Remember when we were young? [massaging down Kurama’s arms] When we would pretend to run away [crosses arms to embrace again] and spend a night just like this away from the pack? [holds on to Kurama’s wrist] And the games we played? [pulls Kurama in tighter and drops backwards to lie against the mountainside] Running around spreading “Seed and Soil” or[uses leg move Kurama’s leg so tail drapes up and tickles Kurama’s chin] where we would play with each others tails in our spirit fox forms? [caresses Kurama’s chin] Sleep dear brother, and remember. [thumb passes over Kurama’s drooping eyes] The desires and dreams we shared. [whispers into Kurama’s ear] Remember… [dirt envelopes them as a blanket] and come back… [barely audible] A Spirit Fox you were made, and a Spirit Fox you will sprout as… my little seed.

* * *

[Members of Zerka are gathered outside in the night. Scattered tables are laden with demon food and drink. A spit with an unidentified hunk of meat is rotating over the immense central bonfire. Eyes are intent on Zerk conducting the ceremony. The new members are in a line as one by one Zerk shakes their left hand and brandishes their wrist with a hot metal stamp with the union’s emblem. Ehay quietly accepts as he intently gazes into Zerk’s eyes. Sukeyuay pulls a face from refraining from screaming due to the massive concentrated pain. Having gone through the line, Zerk faces the multitude with arms in the air.]

Zerk: We welcome these 13 new, strong, and talented members into our fold! Now is the time to rejoice my brothers! Eat, drink, and be merry!

[Music strikes up as the festivities commence. Eating, shoving, and laughter are occurring everywhere. At one of the tables, a blue hand reaches over from underneath and feels around the table top. Teen Koenma and Botan hide with George under the table while he feels for some food.]

George: I really think we should be worrying about this Zerka stuff more than our stomachs, Koenma sir. [finds a dish and pulls it under the table]

Teen Koenma: You heard the boss guy; it’s time to party! [starts to dig in to the demon food] There wouldn’t be a punch bowl above us to go with this would there?

* * *

[Kurama wakes up and pushes the dirt blanket off of him. He looks back at Yokira in the mound.]

Kurama: I am sorry, sister. I hope you understand.

[Kurama goes back into the den. A shadow appears from behind him and materializes into Remayolo.]

Remayolo: Where are you off to this time runt?

Kurama: [without turning] The week is soon over, I am going home.

Remayolo: What a hasty assumption you have made. We haven’t passed to you our verdict yet.

Kurama: Surely none of us have enjoyed this last week.

Remayolo: But you haven’t left us desiring to run you out tail between your legs again either. Your dear little mother’s life isn’t guaranteed if you leave prematurely.

Kurama: Then talk it over with the rest of the pack and let me go.

Remayolo: I already did; ask any of them if you doubt me. Our decision is unanimous. We’re letting you spend the rest of the month with us. This time we hope to see a lot more of you.

[Kurama turns astounded to see a smug and content Remayolo.]

* * *

[Frivolity still rages on at the Zerka party. Sukeyuay takes a big swig of juice and throws an arm over Risho.]

Sukeyuay: Come on buddy! You can tell me, what is it that you got from ol’ Draconta?

Risho: If the right time comes then you will find out.

Sukeyuay: But what if the time doesn’t come? Come on. If you let me in on your little secret, I’ll let you in on a secret about me and Ehay.

Ehay: [hits Sukeyuay on the noggin and pulls him away] Fool! Don’t give us away.

Sukeyuay: But I’m really curious about what’s so special that Risho thinks he’s got.

[Teen Koenma, Botan, and George crouch under their table with discomforted looks on their faces, holding their stomachs.]

George: See Koenma sir? I told you we shouldn’t have been eating.

Teen Koenma: Don’t be such a numbskull! This is your fault for feeding me rotten food!

Botan: Uh. Demons may be able to make food look good, and even taste good at first, but I don’t think it’s worth the indigestion!

Teen Koenma: Ogre! Check the table again to see if there’s any medicine!

[George lifts the table cloth to search the table top again, but before extending his hand a tight skirt with a train that resembles a fishtail with a pair of dainty feet walk up beside the table. Camera scrolls up to show the feet belong to the mermaid from before.]

Mermaid: [to Sukeyuay and Ehay] Well hello boys.

Sukeyuay: Hey, ain’t you that one freaky fish chick from before?

Mermaid: Sorry, [lifts left arm to show the Zerka mark] I was just doing my job then.

Ehay: I thought this was a “brotherhood” it seems pretty fishy to have a female member.

Mermaid: There is no law against me joining; I had to go through initiation just like you.

Sukeyuay: Oh really? And what did you get from the dragon?

Mermaid: [eyes shimmer] There is no law that says I have to tell. [walks past but whispers into Sukeyuay’s ear] But seeing as what I know…you can cash that rain check of yours if you meet me at the lagoon at dusk tomorrow…alone. [walks off]

Sukeyuay: [obnoxiously loud] Sure baby! I’ll be there.

Ehay: What are you mumbling about?

Sukeyuay: Wouldn’t you like to know? [bumps into another demon] Ow! Hey! Watch where you’re going.

Gavarian: Who should watch who? [turns around] What do you know? It’s my little pal.

Sukeyuay: Oh Gav-ey! Sorry about that, Ehay here pushed me. So we all good now?

Gavarian: [grabs Sukeyuay’s hand and shakes it fervently] Sure we are. We’re all brothers here. Next time you can sit up with me. [holds and spins a punch bowl in the air]

Sukeyuay: Loved to pal!

[Gavarian “spills” the aviated punch bowl onto Sukeyuay then drops the bowl onto his head.]

Gavarain: Whoops! [sarcastically] Sorry pal. [laughs]

Sukeyuay: [tipping bowl back like a hat] S’okay. We’re all brothers now. [joins laughter]

* * *

[Back on the ledge where Yokira is sleeping, Kurama emerges and falls upon the ledge, panting. Still heaving, he lays his face into his left arm and pounds the ledge with his right fist. His muffled noises of exasperation cause Yokira to stir and wake up. She sits up from her mound of dirt.]

Yokira: Brother? What is wrong?

Kurama: [raises head, takes a deep breath, faces Yokira] Everyone wants me to stay for the month.

Yokira: Does that surprise you? We are waiting for you to show your Yoko side. Don’t tell me you’re sore from losing our little bet.

Kurama: Then even you wish me to stay? Even with the anguish it puts me in?

Yokira: [rises] Those pitiful eyes would make the devil feel sorry for you. [dusts self off] But my desire to be with you is stronger than that. Even if you could get me to change my mind, I am only one, the others would still have me outvoted.

Kurama: [turns away] So even you won’t let me go home.

Yokira: If you still feel like this come the month’s end, then I’ll refrain from pestering you again. But we haven’t seen that happen yet. Come, be a spirit fox with us again, and see if your will is still as stubborn and strong.

Kurama: I won’t let your tactics work on me anymore.

Yokira: True, you have withstood my gentle persuasions. But my desire is too strong to give up here. You leave me little choice; still I hate to revert to this.

Kurama: It won’t work. You have no power over me.

Yokira: I know of a sweet someone who is in a delicate and frail position while you are here with us. Now do you think the others would be as lenient as I with the knowledge of your precious pregnant partner?

Kurama: [surprised then demanding] Yokira! You wouldn’t!

Yokira: Don’t act so surprised, I told you I would keep an eye on you. I saw you grieve to confront that little wife of yours. I saw you two work out your departure. And I saw her cry when you left…oh did she cry! [lifts Kurama’s chin] Surely you must miss her as much. It would be a shame to never see her again.

Kurama: Leave her out of this. Midori never did anything to any of you.

Yokira: She gives you an attachment to the Human World that separates you from us.

Kurama: Stubborn as ever. What are the exact demands of your bribe?

Yokira: I want my brother back. I want Yoko Kurama.

“My name is Kurama. A spirit animal, progressed into demon, merged with a human. I have vowed to no longer resort my Yoko form, but life always brings about unforeseen circumstances. The decision is placed before me. Will I give up the one I love to keep the life I hold dear, or will I lose her forever in order to protect her? Family bonds are important, but what should one do when siblings have chosen to follow separate paths? Find out if my decisions are for better or worse when I make my choice next time on YuYu Hakusho Beyond.”