
Are all of these flashy ads pasted on the page constantly threatening to crash anyone else's Shockwave?

Yeah, theOtaku needs ads to survive, but having to reload theOtaku+Pandora because Shockwave crashed is getting ridiculous....

I've noticed... my scribblies sketch pieces are getting better feedback than my full stuff.
No, no , that's not a bad thing. It's kinda' of a good thing, sketchy works with soft colorings are my favorite thing to do. Favorite. However, I don't post a lot of sketchy works because I am concerned that they're just not interesting, look half-assed, or hard to read.
....i had the same issue in the college art course I finished recently, but those who commented said they have a "completed" feel to it- and I'm like "Okay! Cool!" still looks like a half-assed tree though

Any opinions?
