I'm KingStone..You can call me Tone maybe or King..hehe...So,this is my first world and I don't know what to do..So I just decide to Upload funny thing..

Here you can relax your mind with laughing or maybe thinking..Coz here,I will post some funny things... Thanks for read #BOW#

You Belong With Me ~Taylor Swift

I always hear this song when I really need someone sit beside me and said that 'all is well'... :)
I don't know why I choose this song but I really like it... :)
Enjoy yourself with this song... :)



New customer to Tech Support: “It says, hit any key and when I do that nothing happens'.
Tech Support: Can you try again and tell me what happens?
Customer: 'Tried but nothing”
Tech Support: “What key did you hit?
After a moment and some chick ling sound the customer replied: Well, first I tried my car key and just now my office key.
