Somewhat colored, lol...
Lol... Yes, those are her panties. But I don't really see the big deal... I'm a girl, so it's not like I drew this to be perverted *straight all the way*. So BAH to you all who can't be mature enough to handle it.
Lol, I know the title kinda sounds perverted, but it's actually not. You're undercover spies dressed as maids to take down the biggest threat of 23rd century Japan! Join the fight! XD
Oosouji Maid Service
I was at school and I got bored so I drew this on paint (not even ms paint, just regular old paint -_-') Her hair was a pain in the butt... so should I color this on paint, or in photoshop?
Alright! In order to revive NNG, I'm going to have to ask you to be patient with me for a short while. I know that I've been irresponsib;e and such, but I too, would like to revive this cluf after a long thought.
There are a few things I'm going to have to ask you to do:
First of all, I'm going to have to ask all of those who have signed up in the past three or four months to comment on a post that will later be up. If you do not, You will not be given the gennin test, nor will you be given a team.
Second, I will be starting with a new chuunin exam, therefore, I will ask for some time to get teams eligable for said exam considering the 50 point rule is still going. There will be another post regarding what you can do.
And thirdly, Please do not be mad at me if I delete and create a new nngvillage proboard.
Here are all the things I must do in order to revive this club:
First, I must create a new nnggennin board (The first one will always be there to read.)
Secondly, I must send out the gennin test and make new gennin teams and room for gennin teams.
Thirdly, I will have to make sure at least four gennin teams are eligable for the chuunin exams and organize the exam itself.
Next I have revamp this world to suit your needs and organize it for mine. So if you see that you cannot access this world, don't think I'm closing the club.
There are other things I must also do, but these are the most important.