august 2009...

what a month... there's just a lot that happened.. especially at school but err.. aug.16... another art thief has appeared.. like wow.. 2 different people stealing the same piece on the same week.. lol.... it was aug.12 when someone from DA told me about an art thief in some community.. *solved* and just soon after that, there's another one.. i registered in that site too to take a look at more of her posts.. she was just posting it in the forum as a random topic.. 5 people from that forum recognized it like wow.. usually it's just 1 person who'll recognize whats mine.. lol.. anyway.. we had a nice lil chat.. she just disappeared after i took a pic of myself with the ones she posted.. XD

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*busted* im so exhausted that day.. oh well.. like if this pic didnt work, look at my pretty hair and beat my watch.. lol... *randomness* XD

i actually registered the moment i knew about it but i was just invisible.. plus, there's quite a bit of fuss after some people mentioned it was stolen.. *let her get harassed first..* **evil** =P

i really appreciate those 5 people who fought for whats mine.. i didnt even know them.. i feel bad.. XD im happy already with 1 people recognizing my art but to have 5 fans in that site... lol.. XD thank u thank u... =P

yeh.. she just logged off after that commotion.. loser... lol....

how i wish i can say "stop it already with all these stealing" but i kinda felt better after the reports.. XD keep them coming... spread my works.. lol..... XD


on the other side.. aug.21.. finally done with school... weee.. and to celebrate that, our chinese classmates hosted a lunch out in IDOL restaurant.. *it's called IDOL* the food was great.. now i know how shikamaru feels like coz we have choji in our table.. XD

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not much pics.. my phone was dying and couldnt take any more pics.. v_v" im waiting for the emails of those who took pics with me or wait for their facebook.. *ugh.. i dont use facebook that much though* XD

oh well.. it was a fun summer with them.. *^^*


now now.. i cant believe i accepted 8 commissions.. >x<" someone pre-paid me already.. the other one ordered a 6-piece illustration for her story and she was the first to order too but the recent one is kinda on a rush coz she'll need it for the Dragon*Con on sept4... is anyone going there..? oh well.. konna koto shiteru baai janai deshou..? XD


*awesome band, awesome song*

his eyes are kinda scary but he's cute and his guitarists..
