if the backroom updates include the world post's title, lol.. XD
anyway, this wont stay long in my blog's front page til i get over this.. =P
so yeh... i found my ex's look a like... yet again.... shoot.. his image just wont leave me alone.. lol..... like seriously.. my ex after him looked like him too... tsk tsk.... and now its bugging me coz im not sure if what im looking is that guy or my ex... XD i just found him recently.. ever since i sat on his table at the caf that day some time this week, i kept seeing him from then on... *coincidence...?!* i must be haunted by that "root" ex's face.. ugh..... >.<"
but he's cute.. *duh.. he looks like my ex* XD and i always see him with a gentle and cute smile.. kyaah..~~ and he looks kinda serious with whatever he's doing.. he's probably studying.. in the cafeteria..? o.o" everyone talks about school works in the caf... like hello....... it's not an open classroom.. thats the only place we can breathe from the class's pressure and stuff... pfft... but i feel refreshed just by looking at him.. lol..... *pulls off the root* XD
another crush on a different note.. lol..
some guitarist.. i could care less about his face.. he's jamming is just cool and his playing is awesome........... listen to the original song first here before u watch his cover...
kyaaah...~~~ he's so cool.... the song is called koi no aibou kokoro no kupido by one ok rock *my current addiction too* i wasnt paying much attention on the guitars before coz i was hooked by the vocal's voice *the lead vocal is also cute..~~* but after seeing this video, i keep hearing his playing on my mp3 too and the vocals kinda became the background... XD
thats all for this post.. enjoy his sexy playing.. lol...
view more of his playing from the same user but i dont think the user uploaded just him but u'll know it's him.. he starts off his video by using his feet to play the music.. =P
:: extra ::
toushiro avi.. XP