i dont like it........

....when i post some rant and u have to find a way to read it.. XD

rant starts here..

i dont like it when people use a different account just to say their hearts out... why cant u just say it with ur regular account eh..? it breaks my heart to know that it was u all along... <_<

it annoys me when people criticize my art style.. it's not ur style.. thats how i do mine so dont crit the way i draw hair or eyes or face.. dont ask why i draw my eyes big like anime.. it's not "like" anime.. it is anime style... TT^TT unless it's proportion issues, i wouldnt mind.. but dude... thats like questioning my style through ur logic.. we dont share the same type.. lol....... =,=

gaah... it frustrates me when people edit my work....... errr... i've seen people crop my pics.. i've seen some who covered my watermarks too.. but pls do not alter my drawings...! if u dont like my stuff missing something like an accessory or the eyes are closed, thats how i wanted it to be..! dont go chasing waterfalls changing my work to ur own satisfaction.. thats like a huge violation mhennnn.. go draw ur own... piff... >:( imagine a photo of urself photoshopped to someone else's green fat body.. lol....... what u'll feel about that is the same thing artists feel for their art being edited by others... make ur own and edit it urself.. the artist didnt bother editing it, who gave u the right to edit theirs..? --_--"

rant ends there..

i kinda dug in to some old rants.. they just keep coming back.. i thought im over it already but pffft... they keep reminding me of these stuff...

External Image

whatever i post here should be posted in my DA too and my pics in DA are under this cc license.. so read especially the conditions.... v_v"

sorry for the rant.. but it just snapped me... a little respect please..... >A<;
