today i saw a guy who's prettier than some cute girl i know..
i thought i recognized his body build coz he's really tall and not the average dude.. i've seen a glimpse of him at school but i got a closer look at him earlier in the bus and he's really pretty.......... too pretty for a guy..... XD i will see him again at school... woot... i didnt care about the new students this term but it seems im gonna have to keep an eye on some of them.. lol......
i was gonna share some funny facts about your dream guy (or girl) that will like you back is either not your ideal or something something... i cant remember it well... >A<; it was a scene from my lovely sam-soon where some girls were talking about their dream guys being not the dream guy they thought.. ugh..... if i remember, i'll definitely share.. it was really funny....
i got tired from clicking the mouse so im randomly wasting time like this.. oh well..... i think i need some laughs too so i'll just watch that kdrama again... watch with me.. =P
one character from Angels to be up tomorrow... got lazy coloring her bangs.. pffft.. im just gonna watch and enjoy the laughs...~~