FanExpo.. who's going..? + teacher's art..

i am meeting FalseDelusion on Sunday, Aug.29 at the FanExpo anime convention... too bad we cant cosplay.. lol.. but we'll be there and so excited to meet... if any of u is going, let me know..~~ External Image

FanExpo details are here -->

see u there..? External Image


:: cargo ::

my concept art/character modeling/animation teacher finally posted some 2d art on his blog... o.o" i know he's worked for marvel but this.... it was just his "first attempt" practice.. XD

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i decided not to save pictures from the internet any more so im just gonna "capture" them and link to their site.. find this post in his blogsite -->

now i know how he draws, i need to work on my sketchbook...... External Image
