
omg..... how are u people..? *hugs hugs* <3

anyway.. today im here to share/complain about my expenses... XD

january.. i dont know.. just started feb..

here's a breakdown of my feb expenses..

week 1: (feb1-4)
grocery - $35 <-- sausage, noodles, tuna, corn chips.. no gummy bears.... =/
restaurant - $40 <-- peers.. must socialize once in a while and spent this much... >_>
pharmacy - $54 <--- got sick so i had to buy medicine and stuff... x_x
school - $30 <-- im pretty sure all are for coffee... OTL

total: $159


week 2: (feb7-11)
house needs - $15 <-- shampoo and conditioner..
hair - $30 <-- went to salon for a trim...
hair again - $32 <-- a few days later, i wasnt satisfied with how the bottom cut looks super straight.. i went to another to have it layered.. now it's super short..... >A<;;
shopping - $160 <-- knit top, camera, earphones..
school - $40 <-- more coffee......... and banana cake.. XD

total: $ 277..... TT^TT

omg... now that im listing these, im seeing stuff that i dont really need and stuff that i can control.... waaah... im definitely gonna regret this later on.... @___@;

this does not include rent ($600) and cellphone ($40) and bus pass ($120) and cable/internet ($90) <-- monthly add-ons...

but good thing is...... there's only 5 weeks before the end of school......... banzai..~~<3

bad thing.. i will most likely spend $200 for shopping again coz i need to buy an outfit for an interview, pumps and probably make up.. my swiss army for her perfume is also running out.. i love it but i think i'll try jlo glow.. <3

yeh yeh.... u can laugh like lol but it's a good lesson for me and maybe for u... try listing ur expenses and u'll most likely see something that's u could've avoid spending...

life lesson: control is essential.. XD
