early bday gifts..

hello theO..~~

no art.... maybe next week after ai-kon.. it's coming this friday.. in a few days and im still preparing my stuff.. i have new prints and posters and bookmarks etc... i'll post con reviews in my website as usual.. if u havent seen the review for anime next, go here to read it and see the photos.. :>

anyways... i just had to feature in this blog these 2 awesome artists that i look up to.. ok, maybe deep inside i was hoping they'll do something for my birthday coz i love their art to heavens.. and i am really happy to get early bday presents from them.... i didnt ask.. i promise..! lol.. XD

first off, from king-sama...~<3

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"kyaaah..~~<3" was the only thing i could express the first time i saw it.. XD his ocs paired up with mine..?! External Image
i wish he'll post it up so i can carve it in my favorites forever..~~ but it's gonna be in my folders for as long as i have this computer.. =P


and then from 15385bic...~<3

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^ u can full view it if u click the image..

i just love how she put everything i like in this picture..~~<3 from the stars, sky, water, hair and then sailor moon..~

i really wish i can draw something back for them... i'll try to find time one of these days... im still full with my commissions and work for game projects and omg... updating my manga is already in my to do list... XD

anyways.... im just so tired from everything... sometimes i wish life would stop for a bit so i can breathe...? but after getting these early bday gifts and other emails that bring good news from work etc, i feel like it wont be so bad to keep moving after all... XD

my bday is not until july 20 but with these early gifts, im definitely inspired to keep going... thanks for the motivation guys..~~ *hugs* <3

talk to u guys later..~

ps.. happy birthday to all july members...~~ i think i missed a bunch of friends but best wishes from me to u guys who are celebrating their birthday this month..~ *hugs hugs* <3
