features for march based on the most active limited to 1 month.. *86 pages to browse* XD
pls keep in mind that i wont feature vectored/traced and direct copy/heavily referenced submissions.. sorry.. no way...~~ >_>
took me quite a looooong while but here are my feats for this month....~~unfortunately, the max thumbs is just 20.. i'll post the rest later... XD
some feb member dedications.. <3
some jan member dedications.. XD
these features are just my personal choices.. i might've featured 1 user more than once.. nobody cares.. and even some featured pics may have been already in the first page, i still think they could have more.. they're very deserving for those hugs and favs.. so make sure to check them out...~~ and if u fav, add a hug.. show some love.. *hugs*