osu...~~ i got some wips that i think is something to look forward.. i cant work on them right away so im posting anyway.... v_v"
lineart for u guys to color.. im trying to work on my colored version but ugh... im loaded with school stuff.. <_<
done in ms paint... XD i'll post the clean lineart after some edits...
this is the last part of the commission for moirae333....
just a draft but the sketch will be up once we're done with the briefings and then the colored should be soon after that.. i rarely work on a full body but it's for a commission so so... XD the pose is referenced from my manga clip that was uploaded in imeem.. this part wasnt in the pages nor in the clip i uploaded in youtube.. tsk... and then imeem transferred to myspace... err.. <_<
lastly, i worked on it after i submitted the girl in kimono.. i was just so happy about the feedbacks so i planned to make it as another tribute for yiruma's piano pieces coz i love listening to his piano.. the one playing the piano should've been a guy but it's kinda boring without the hair.. and thus, her hair here also became boring.. got tired of it so i stopped.. there's no pencil lines so i thought i should sketch it out first so i can make her hair at least interesting... it's hard with the tablet..... my tablet is really bad.... >x<" this is a speed paint but it turned out interesting....? =P
pls look forward to these... *^^* thanks always for the feedbacks.. if u have comments and suggestions about the wips posted, i'd be glad to hear ur opinions.. thank you....~~ *hugs*