This is dedicated to our favorite bassist-Reita!!

Aizome-chan and I came up with this idea to make this world for Reita-san for his birthday and then fanmail him the link! because ya know, if a bunch of people send him a link, wouldn't he think "ok so obviously something is going on, why don't I check this out" or something along those lines
So if you love Reita, leave a post about what you want to tell him!! Just message me for guest posting priviliges:)

XxList of PostersxX
Katherine Talbot


keep up the awesome job all of you are doing!

( ≥ω≤)~♥ ⌐29¬

Reita-Happy Birthday!

Happy 29th Birthday Reita!!! Reita, you've always been my inspiration and I love your style. You always seem to me like someone who is strong and independent, someone who is funny and teases the other members, but also someone who would hel...

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To Reita-san.....

I truly hope this would pass by your eyes and see these.....
I dream for you the best in the world, as you deserve nothing less than that.....
May success never leave your side and inspire us as always.....
Such small words like mine might not be strong enough, but I wish for you the happiest birthday.....
*and a little painting that I made.....I don't know how much you would like this.....but it's for you.....