Lost Classics! Issue #04: Digimon Worlds 1&2 (PSX)

Lost Classics! "Where Overlooked Classics are given another shot"

Welcome to Issue #04 of Lost Classics!

Remember 2 days ago, When I hinted what games were next on the list (PLEASE NO MARVEL U PUNS -__-).

The Hints were:

- They're PSX games

- These games are based on a Anime I love from my childhood. (I don't care. I'm 21 and I still watch animated programs from my childhood)

That Anime was.....

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If you g1s need a refresher on the Series. Here's g1Gervise's (ThatDudeInTheShades) take on Seasons 1 & 2 (1999-2001):


[COPYRIGHT: g1Gervise/ThatDudeInTheShades]

This however is Not about the Anime Series (Planning to do a something special with that Series in the near future :)).

OH NO....

Today, I'm going to talk about the games that came out during the first 2 Seasons (Series for UK readers :D).

These games are....

Digimon World
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Digimon World 2
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The First World game was released for The Playstation in it's Native Country, Japan on January 28th, 1999. The US fans of the Anime would have to wait a year later when it was released on May 23rd, 2000 (around when the 1st Dub season finished in the US). PAL owners would have to wait another year to get it, July 6th, 2001. The Game was Developed by Bandai. They [Bandai] also published the title worldwide.


Not important really! They took the same premise of both the Anime Series (The Protagonist was a kid, The Setting was from the anime, File Island) & original Digital pet toy (traning, fighting, feeding, etc.) and rolled it into one. But this is not me complaining.... It's was a
smart move on developer Bandai's part. They kept the story simple yet engaging at the same time.


Like I said when I was discussing the Game's Plot. Bandai basically took the original Toy Design and made a game out of it. What do I mean exactly?


Training you Digimon

Feeding it to regain lost stamina and health (Since this was a RPG/Dungeon Crawler. HP XD)

Fighting other Digimon to increase you Partner's level.

Speaking of fighting. The Thing i thought was unique was when you defeated a Digimon. The Game gave you the option to ask said Digimon to come back to the villiage with You (i.e. the character your controlling) and Your Digimon.

Here's Some Gameplay footage (Hopefully it will show what i was trying to explain XD):


This was what really caught me attention when first playing this game 9 years ago. The Composer of Digimon World (sorry couldn't find composer's name. Please PM me :)) really made a beautiful score for DW.

In one part of File Island, the score would be calm and peacefull. While in another part, It would be hectic.

One of my Personal Favorites:


Overall, for a game based on a popular anime at the time (I Honestly wouldn't be surprised if it STILL was with Some of the g1s here. +5 for Nostalgia.) It Still hold up to this day.

Cutscene Graphics never aged well.

But that not the point, We Play games to have FUN not for state of the art graphics... If any otakus still has there copy of this game, Give it another go. Who Knows.. You'll probably enjoy it more than when you first played it :). If there are no otakus that played this game and want to give it a try. You'll Probably like it. The Safest bet is:

1.) A Used Game Store

2.) The Internet (Amazon, ebay, etc.)

3.) Pray for Sony to include it into their PS1 Classics Catalog on PSN XD


For Non-Fans: TRY IT

Now Since the first did so well worldwide, It Shouldn't be a Surprise that Bandai released a follow up titled Digimon World 2 for the PSX...

Once again, The Developer/Publisher was none other than Bandai.

It's was released on July 27th, 2000 in it's native country, Japan. US Gamers would have to wait a year later, May 19th, 2001. Sadly There was not a PAL Version.


(WRITER'S NOTE: Read The Description regarding Digimon World 1's Story.)

Bandai Copied the main Premise from the first 4 seasons (Series. Trying to please the UK readers XD) of the Anime.

"A kid or Kid(s) are sent to the Digital World. They are Heroes known as DigiDestined. They Fight and Destroy the Main Evil Controlling the once peaceful Digital World. They have a tearful goodbye with their Digimon. They Go Home. THE END!"


As Much of it is a copy & paste moment with these 2 Title's Premise...

Again it works!

But Then Again, This is coming from a fan of the Anime (Seasons 1-3) XD.


(WRITER'S NOTE: Read The Description of Digimon World 1's Game play.)

It the same. But This a good thing. They [Bandai] followed an old saying while developing this title "If It's Not Broken. Don't Fix It"... But they changed the fighting from 1 on 1 from the Original to 3 Digimon on each side (you; CPU) for the Sequel.


Again, This Was what really pulled me into the game. Whoever Composed the score for DW2 did the unthinkable?

He/She Composed a Score that's on par with th first one :).

Especially when your in a battle:


For a Game That come out a year after the original and being better than the first one is in fact an impressive accomplishment that we RARLY (Keyword folks: RARLY -__-) see in the Video game Market.

Again The best way to play this games is to Try:

1.) A Used Game Store

2.) The Internet (Amazon, ebay, etc.)

3.) Pray and Wait for Sony to include it into their PS Classics Catalog on P..S...N.....

WAIT! Why Am I mentioning the PSN Store when in fact their is a PSP version of the Game. That's right fellow g1s there is in fact a PSP Version of Digimon World 2....

BAD NEWS: It was only released in Japan

GOOD NEWS: Since PSP (original & 3000 Models. Don't know about PSPgo.) is Region Free. You can Import the Game :).

Overall, The Fans of the show will love it:


But What about the Non-fans of the Anime???


Due to the fact that they will probably have a much enjoyable experience playing the Sequel than the Original.....

Well That's It for me.

I got to get my review of George Romero's The Crazies ready for Tonight.

For You See, Tonight.....Is the beginning of "31 Days of Halloween"

Again, I'm Yazna and I'll see you next time on LOST CLASSICS!

Lost Classics! "Where Overlooked Classics are given another shot"

First Details on "31 Days of Halloween"!

[WARNING: Originally posted on my blog from Screwattack.com]

(WRITER'S NOTE:First off, do to the fact of editing issues w/ Dreamcast episode podcast. This event will officially start tomorrow night.

Quick Thanks to James Rolfe for inspiring for my to come up with this event, this year. He is The Nerd, And I'm glad that his work inspired me... Also, If you can't wait for tomorrow. Why not check out James's 3rd Annual "Monster Movie Madness" over at: Cinemassare.com. Thanks Again Mr. Rolfe!)

The Leaves are starting to fall, the weather's changing from warm and colorful to Cold and dark. That can only mean one thing....

It's Halloween Season again!!!!

For the month of October, This is going to be the most fun (Stressful, but FUN) i'm going to have on theO.

This is the 1st Annual "31 Days of Halloween"...

Here's the Details:

- Lost Classics: Issue #04 SHOULD Hopefully (the keyword is: Hopefully)be done and up tonight. If not early afternoon. But i'm going to look at unappreciated Horror games from the Past. I'm Going to call this: Lost Classics: HALLOWEEN EDITION.

- I'm Finally going to review movies....yay???. Anyways...

Probably going to call it "g1theincrediblejeff's[Untitled] Film block. And I can tell you the 1st movie i'm going to review is George A. Romero's Under appreciated Horror/Thriller "The Crazies".

I'm Going to do the unknowns first, then the more reconizable ones :).


[Under Development]: That episode I posted today, you know the Dreamcast episode. Well kiss your nerves goodbye because for the remainder of this month It's going to be nothing else than Good Ole' Horror game Series (Resident Evil, The Evil Dead Games, Castlevania, Alone in the Dark, Quake, DOOM, etc.) So look for the first episode in the near future.

As for me.....

I'm screwed because it's a HORRIBLE NIGHT TO HAVE A CURSE!!!!!!


IMPORTANT: If there are ANY otakus that want to join in on the fun and want to contribute.

My Podcast's E-Mail: [email protected]

And To Start of this Epic Event. How about a 2-Tone classic:

Now Your Playing with Power!

Hi fellow otakus. My Name's Yuzna and even though I've been a memeber of this site for 2 years. This is my first time posting on this website. First off. I'm a Retro Gamer. I would play 8/16-bit games over HD, Surround Sound Games ANY DAY!

I do 2 Podcasts.....

The first one is for this page [Under Development] "A Podcast made by retro gamers, for Retro gamers"

To Check out the podcast: http://underdevelopment.podomatic.com

If you want to reach the podcast's e-mail to leave any feedback.

Podcast E-Mail: [email protected]

The Second Podcast is Ikari Warriors.. Created by TheOtaku Member and my best friend Xaos. I have contributed to the Ikari podcast in the past as the 3rd "Unoffical" Host/Member. But Now, I am the 3rd Host of that podcast [ThatDudeWithTheSpreader] along side Ikari Warriors Podcast Creators Clark Steel & Ralf Jones.

As Allways. You can check Clark Steel's podcast at: Ikariwarriorsfight.mypodcast.com

When We're all three hosts are USUALLY together. We also do a vodcast that's a sister side project for Iraki Warriors at: ikarivod.podomatic.com

The Ikari Warriors (Podcast; vodcast) E-Mail: [email protected]

If there are any members here on theO who are old-school video gamers. Go to ScrewAttack. They have new content every day.....EVERY DAY!!!!!!

the website is: www.screwattack.com

Again, the E-Mail for my podcast [Under Development} is: [email protected]

I'm Yuzna [AKA ThatDudeWithTheSpreader] and I'm glad i'd FINALLY contributed to this website :)
