Hwy guys, Yuzna here!
Remember in my introduction blog to theO. I Mentioned a Retro gaming site called ScrewAttack? A Site that comes up with New Content every day.....EVERY DAY!!!!
Well this one of their Segments. It's called "The Clip of the Week (COTW). The Premise is they either take a Video Game movie intro., an old video game commercial, etc. and They put their own Unique but Hilarious spin of the original.
This Week's COTW. The ScrewAttack Crew are Parodying a well-known VALVE game.
Here's the Description from the man himself StudderingCraig:
"We realize that some of you have no idea who is actually producing these videos... what's up with that?"
If their are any otakus that want to join ScrewAttack. The site's: http://screwattack.com/
If Any otakus that do join SA. Look me up my g1 name is:theincrediblejeff
Anyways I'll post up DAY 2 of "31 Days of Horror" later Tonight MWAHAHAHA!!!!
I'm Yuzna and I'll see you guys later!