[Under Development] Approved for itunes!

Fans of Under Development, you're reading this post's title right. The Podcast "Made by Retro Gamers, For Retro Gamers", was approved for itunes late, last night.

Here's the URL if anyone wants to subscribe: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=334780441

I'm also waiting approval of Under Development for Zune Marketplace, but so far No Confirmation Notice. So when I do get that Notice from Microsoft, I'll add that URL so people can subscribe to the Podcast.

Again, Otakus later tonight is DAY 5 of "31 Day of Horror", so keep a close eye on Retroware.

Until then, Keep Gaming and I'll see you later!

-ThatDudeWithTheSpreader. "Co-Host/Mod of The Ikari Warroirs World/Ikari Warriors Podcast"
