Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

Cartridge Diaries: Samurai Warriors - True Facts from Sengoku

For years the Samurai Warriors franchise has been the staple of all things related to the Sengoku period but what actually happened usually paints a more interesting picture as I shall now show you. This guide will serve to represent what happened to these people.

Uesugi Kenshin
Worshiping the Buddhist War God Bishamonten may give you the impression that Uesugi Kenshin was a holy man, but he's quite a notorious drunk.

Takeda Shingen
One of the only Daimyo of his time to use female ninja making the likes of Kunoichi more accurate than you think. Ninja tactics were common practice for Shingen and wasn't afraid to try anything, from Kunoichi disguised as concubines to direct attacks on Kenshin while he's on the toilet.
Also worthy of note is Shingen's size as he required two horses to ride into battle, justified seeing as Asian horses are smaller than European horses.

Sanada Yukimura
Before he was slain, Sanada Yukimura took on Ieyasu Tokugawa's army with a small force of his own and proceeded to fight through the camp to try and take Ieyasu's head. Most of the kills were made by Yukimura alone and in comparison Tokugawa's army was twice the size.

Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Toyotomi was never well liked or even as jolly as his appearance in the game suggests or even a decent warrior.

Ishikawa Goemon
Goemon is a popular choice for paintings, one of which depicting his execution, while being boiled alive he was holding his son in the air to save him.

Takenaka Hanbei
Despite the visual age difference, Hanbei is older than Kanbei Kuroda however Hanbei died in his 30s while Kanbei lived to his 50s.

Hojo Ujiyasu
Ever wonder where the Legend of Zelda Triforce symbol comes from? It's the mark of the Hojo clan.

Mori Motonari
His historical age puts him as being older than Shingen yet the game portrays him as middle aged.

Noted for converting to Christianity as Gracia was a baptized name, it's worth noting that Hideyoshi banned all forms of Christianity during this period as well as foreign visitors.

In order to get any respect as a warrior, Kai is referred to as a man by Hojo Ujiyasu

Nobunaga Oda
One of Oda's retainers was an African slave named Yasuke. Oda's interest in the man was enough to earn Yasuke this title which during a time of slavery was quite a high honor for any slave in that period.

It is said that she is the founder of Kabuki plays.

Saika Magoichi
It is said that Saika Magoichi is an alias used by as many as three different men with similar names.

Tadakatsu Honda
Went through 100 battles without as much as a scratch. And yes he really did wear antlers on his battle armor.

Ginchiyo Tachibana
Despite being the last of her clan and leader, her husband Muneshige still held all the power despite being of a different clan.

Was nothing more than a politician in real life.

Date Masamune
Other than countless tales of badassery, Masamune Date was responsible for Japan's first overseas expedition; a boat known by the name San Juan Bautista outside Japan visited the Philipines, Mexico, Spain and Rome with the idea of forming relations with the Pope, even to this day descendants from that voyage still live in Spain. He was also sympathetic to Christians, allowing them to preach in Sendai despite being banned by Tokugawa. In fact Japan would be very different if it were Masamune in charge instead of Tokugawa who ended up isolating Japan until the late 19th Century.

Hope you enjoyed today's history lesson.

Cartoon Vault: Raccoons

Sorry for the delay, between work and family life I've been falling behind slightly in my reviewing but since nothing was voted for again lets talk about the Raccoons.

The Raccoons is a Canadian show from the mid to late 80s and early 90s, about, unsurprisingly Raccoons; it involved the misadventures of Bert Raccoon who is staying with his best friends Ralph & Melissa Raccoon as they try and thwart the evil aardvark industrialist Cyril Sneer who wants to destroy the forest.
So yeah it's an environmentalist show but more Sonic the Hedgehog than Lisa Simpson.
It's one of those shows that is really good but doesn't get the recognition it deserves, mainly because it wasn't a toy commercial at the same time, but it never wanted to be to begin with, that's what made it stand out at the time; in fact it was one of Canada's longest running shows right up until Ed, Edd & Eddy which shows more staying power than many of it's contemporaries at the time.
If there is one thing which is always remembered from the Raccoons, it's the music. From it's main theme to the copious amounts of insert songs, it's always been Raccoons biggest selling point, it helps that the voice cast is built up of professional singers and it spawned numerous musical specials including the "Lets Dance" special, a personal favorite.
Sadly in it's final seasons it wrote out a few characters and the quality took a nosedive as it was dragged into the 90s kicking and screaming, proving that even the better shows suffer with decay.
But taking it for what it is and comparing it to the rest of the 80s set, it's the one cartoon that didn't need to be like the rest to succeed.
Guarantee you'll be singing "Run With Us" for weeks after this review.

Cartoon Vault: Quick Draw McGraw

Really? I have to do Quick Draw McGraw? Okay lets get this over with.

Quick Draw is one of Hanna Barbara's many many Anthropomorphic characters with neck wear; this time it's a horse.
Quick Draw is the sheriff of his town often solving problems using many Western themes and references popular at the time of release in the late 50s early 60s, he is joined by a small donkey called Baba Looey who is probably a stereotype these days. Quick Draw joins the likes of Hong Kong Phooey in terms of incompetent as quite frequently he ends up shooting himself in the face with his own gun while drawing it, he also has a Zorro-esque alter ego named El Kabong who usually smacks people on the head with a Spanish Guitar.
Quick Draw is a lot more memorable than some of the other Hanna Barbara characters and has a lot of legacy within America much in the same way as Yogi Bear but it doesn't stop some things from being really bizarre; for example, why does an anthropomorphic horse ride another horse? And why does a sheriff need to mask as a vigilante when he's the law enforcement in town.
As a cartoon it was okay, I never found it anything special, Hanna Barbara's cartoon animal brigade very rarely makes any effort to standout other than voice accents and most productions will have similar plots, although how you get 45 cartoons out of a two joke show is beyond me.
Sorry that Q was lacking in choice, R should make up for it.

Pumpkin Scissors Review

Next is an underrated series from the early 2000s, it's Pumpkin Scissors.

In alternative Europe, war has come to an end but the Post War Period is jammed full of poverty and former soldiers turned bandits unable to give up the fighting. Step forward aristocrat 2nd Lieutenant Alice Malvin, Field leader for Imperial Army State Section III, specializing in War Relief to beat the bad guys and give everyone rousing speeches just because she can.
Joining Alice is the spectacle wearing Martis and lady killer Oreldo, while at base issuing the missions is old man Captain Hunks; a 12 year old girl who's not really 12, Stecchin to serve the tea and messenger dog Mercury who likes biting people.
All is normal until they are joined by a walking giant of a man named Randel Oland, who is a former anti tank trooper, with powerful anti tank handgun and a seemingly invincible body as he ignores pain and fear to take down his enemies with the help of a Blue Lantern, in fact they were so terrifying in battle that they were referred to as "Gespenster Jäger" which is Ghost Hunter in German. Not the only German phrase you'll hear in this series, "Toten Sie" gets mentioned a lot which means "Kill Them" in German.
I will be blunt with this one, it's Full Metal Alchemist set in World War II minus the Alchemy, but it's not a criticism, far from it, along with the Gundam franchise it's one of the few shows that's good at portraying how terrible war is and how cruel certain people in power are, it's also one of the few anime that genuinely seems terrifying in context, once that lantern goes off, Randel is terrifying to watch and it gets worst meeting up with other units similar to Randel's Anti Tank unit including a man from a Flamethrower unit.
It's not perfect though, it clearly hasn't been given enough episodes to finish the bigger story and the sad thing is that it ends in a Ballroom Blitz scene where Alice keeps changing her mind about what she's fighting for when people continue to contradict her during her speeches which eats up a lot of running time, not made any easier when you consider that 1. she's an Aristocrat, 2. The people involved are against the Aristocrats and 3. She can't be taken seriously wearing an evening dress. It's also pretty poor at timing it's comedy as a deadly serious episode loses effectiveness when the ending theme is rather jolly. Also I'm no expert on recruiting but Stecchin clearly shouldn't be in this anime, she looks like she belongs in a moe military series, yes that's a genre now.
Some of those are nit picks and I can't really complain about it's production values or dubbing as everything is top notch.
Final Verdict: It's very underrated and needs more support than it currently gets, definitely worth a watch.

Cartoon Vault: Oban Star Racers

I'm so happy I get to review this title, this is easily in my top ten favorite cartoons of all time, it's Oban Star Racers!

Oban Star Racers is a French Pseudo Anime cartoon about a girl named Molly, who by a series of events in trying to reunite with her estranged father ends up joining an intergalactic race team owned by said father to compete for the "Ultimate Prize" in the Great Race of Oban (No not the Scottish town Oban)
No one knows what this prize is but every species in the universe wants it and will compete in this race very reminisce of Star Wars Pod Racer to do so, and by any means seeing as you can use weapons.
Not long into the first race, the Earth Team's Star Driver is mysteriously injured and Molly takes his place for the rest of the series with varying degrees of success barely scraping into the finals only for an incredible revelation to shake the foundations of the story and lead it to one of the best finales of any cartoon in the last ten years.
What I love about this cartoon is that it doesn't use any cliches at all, lets list some of things it does differently.
The main character is female. (Despite editors wanting the character to be male, the story goes that the creator rejected the recommendations from corporate editors and decided to make his own studio and finished the cartoon under his own command)
Lead character's cocky attitude is justified seeing as her father did abandon her for a long time.
She doesn't win every race (barely any at all) avoiding Miracle Rookie Syndrome.
It's Pseudo Anime and it doesn't suck.
It somehow manages to not rip off Star Wars.
The enemies don't seem to win much either.
In fact it's never made clear who the main enemy is.
Molly's motives have nothing to do with the plot in the first place.
The romance sub plot fails despite the lead being female.
There's no "rival" character.
The cartoon avoided censors with a lesbian couple.
and Earth's motives for the Ultimate Prize aren't much better than the Crogs motives, so much for Earth being Mr Benevolent.
With everything here, no wonder it won several awards, the only downside is that between this show and Code Lyoko, the French have never made another cartoon even close to the standards this one produced; granted not every idea that a cartoon maker gets full control over is going to be good, heck you only have to look at many of the small independent works to see how horrible things can get but when done correctly, you get a creation of genius like Oban Star Racers.