Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

Top 100 Worst Anime 2022

We are complete, the Top 100 Worst Anime for all to see.
Now a live list that will change frequently.
Update: Twin Signal and Flame of Recca off.
Try Knights and Naria Girls new entries

1st: De:Vadasy
2nd: Skelter Heaven
3rd: Idol Densetsu Eriko
4th: Jungle De Ikou
5th: Kill Me Baby
6th: Diabolik Lovers
7th: Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan
8th: Psychic Force
9th: Spiral Suiri no Kizuna
10th: X/1999 and Movie
11th: Pupa
12th: Rumbling Hearts
13th: Sister Princess
14th: Junk Boy
15th: The Super Milk-Chan Show
16th: Princess Nine
17th: Virgin Fleet
18th: Maze the Megaburst Space
19th: Mars of Destruction
20th: Idolm@ster
21st: Green Green
22nd: Cutey Honey Universe
23rd: Sekirei
24th: Queen's Blade
25th: Mawaru Penguindrum
26th: School Days
27th: Girl's Detective Club
28th: Psychic Wars
29th: Garzey's Wing
30th: Violinist of Hameln
31st: Sailor Victory
32nd: Twinkle Nora Rock Me
33rd: Blood-C
34th: Vampire Knight
35th: Abunai Sisters
36th: Midori no Makibao
37th: Kampfer
38th: Yume De Aetera
39th: Sword Art Online
40th: Tales From Earthsea
41st: Demon King Daimao
42nd: Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
43rd: I Dream of Mimi
44th: Eiken
45th: Arcade Gamer Fubuki
46th: Venus Wars
47th: Darkstalkers
48th: Sins of the Sisters
49th: Dot Hack Sign
50th: Violence Jack
51st: Voogies Angel
52nd: Comic Party
53rd: Bleach
54th: Landlock
55th: Dragon Quest Movie
56th: Knights of Ramune
57th: Gundam F91
58th: Wish Upon The Pleiades
59th: Yumeria
60th: Vampire Princess Miyu
61st: Hunter X Hunter
62nd: Kyo Kara Maoh
63rd: Elf Princess Rane
64th: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
65th: Battle B-Daman
66th: Onegai Twins
67th: Doraemon
68th: Girls Bravo
69th: Ghost Stories
70th: Battle Skipper
71st: MD Geist
72nd: Odin
73rd: UQ Holder
74th: Sonic X
75th: Circuit Angel
76th: Redo of Healer
77th: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
78th: Xanadu Dragon Slayer Densetsu
79th: Relic Armour Legaciam
80th: Ellcia
81st: Mask of Zeguy
82nd: Tales of Vesperia
83rd: Disgaea
84th: RG Veda
85th: Busou Renkin
86th: Duel Masters
87th: Angel Sanctuary
88th: Fighting Foodons
89th: Ninja Resurrection
90th: Jinki Extend
91st: Art of Fighting
92nd: Akikan
93rd: Labyrinth of Flames
94th: Street Fighter Alpha
95th: Gravitation
96th: DNAngel
97th: Mahou Shoujo? Naria Girls
98th: Ex-Arm
99th: Chargeman Ken
100th: Try Knights

Top 10 Most Baffling Localisation Decisions

Depending on who you ask, localisation is a very dirty word amongst anime fans as it can make or break a franchise, with some of these decisions having consequences that still affect the series to this day.
Not all of this is censorship, keep that in mind.

10. Jelly Filled Donuts
A classic anime meme, as Pokemon's Brock calls rice balls, donuts; this is not an isolated case as other food gets edited around in Pokemon. Pretty low on the list as it's the official meme of Lost Pause.

9. Allowing Central Park Media to License MD Geist
I've brought up this story before, so I'll keep it brief. CPM liked this anime too much and kick started the ultra violent era of anime, this has always given older fans a bitter pill to swallow compared to younger generations of fans.

8. Next Dimension/Shadow Realm
Death was hard to sell for any network, especially when it had to be on TV. This was more the Ocean dub of Dragonballz as Funimation played it more straight seeing as death is merely a slap on the wrist anyway, Yu-Gi-Oh was much worse for it, particularly in Season 1.

7. Painted Bikinis
Tenchi Muyo's run on Toonami came with some strange forms of censorship, the weirdest one being the clearly MS paint job bikinis, although this had a more beneficial effect as early internet otaku sought out the uncut version, I know I did.

6. Naming HoroHoro Trey Racer
Shaman King despite being localised by 4Kids kept a fairly unchanged cast naming until you get to the whole Trey Racer moment, the funny thing about it is, it's used as a nickname as his actual name is kept, wouldn't mind digging up a back story for this.

5. Making Big Cheese a Rat
Tell me, what animal this is below.

If you said fox, you are right, if you say rat, you are as blind as the people at Saban. I know they had very little to work with but seriously?

4. Making Uranus and Neptune Cousins
A classic bit of early censorship, only it just made the whole thing creepier in context when it was more obvious that these two were much closer to the point it couldn't be ignored.

3. Giving One Piece to 4Kids
How and why this decision was made is still a mystery, the aftermath has caused it to slip behind other Shonen Jump powerhouses over the years but on the other side it made the series more adult back in Japan to avoid a repeat of it happening ever again.

2. Renaming Pretty Cure, Glitter Force
The sad thing about this one, it was already in English as Pretty Cure is the English translated title anyway, the Canadians got it right why didn't Netflix? Glitter Force is a stupid name and because of this disaster, Precure may never see localisation ever again.

1. Inserting American Political Commentary
This is an uncomfortable trend that started in the height of the Trump administration, Funimation were the main culprits for this. Within a few of their dubs, first noted in Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, the dubbing team would go off script to bring up a political subject or something woke which has no context in the anime at all and was never referenced in the original script. Basically they've taken Japan's property and inserted political propaganda that has nothing to do with Japan, this is the type of bullshit I expect from Russia!
This is also why I don't watch dubs anymore.

Abunai Sisters Review

Trust me, the image I've used is the least offensive thing this show has done.

Abunai Sisters is a series of CGI shorts revolving around the lives of real life celebrities Koko and Mika Kano, the two are nothing more than tabloid celebrities who appear everywhere more for their sex appeal and glam rather than actually being proper celebrities with tabloid, think Paris Hilton with a boob job.
The actual anime, although calling this an anime is kind of offensive, sees the titular girls play as secret agents who protect the source of their power known as the Boobie Stone from villains. The gem giving them really busty bodies and able to manipulate them further by weaponizing the over sized mammaries.
The production is cheap and nasty, the sisters themselves look like even sluttier bratz dolls, the plot basically boils down to how quickly they can weaponize their tits and it was dubbed into English just to rub salt into the wound. A benefit to subtitle versions is not hearing how bad the script is.
It's original run was cancelled after two episodes, even Japan thought this was terrible. The only way I even knew about this series was while searching for the worst anime of all time and this would easily be a contender.
Final Verdict: Someone thought this was a good idea, someone greenlit this show, someone actually dubbed it in English, this is the truest definition of a dumpster fire.

Rune Soldier Review

Up next is Rune Soldier, a series from the world of Lodess War.

The fantasy trio of Preistess Melissa, Swordswoman Genie and Thief Merrill are regular adventurers in the land of Ohfun. Needing a magician to break a seal on one of their adventures, they end up meeting the incompetent yet brawny magician Louie, who is pretty much their only option leaving the trio unimpressed. Later when Melissa undergoes a ritual under the eyes of the War God Mylee to summon a hero of whom she has to serve, Louie ends up crashing in on the ritual. Now the trio are stuck with Louie as Melissa bemoans her god saying it's against her will.
Another 00s anime although the source material is 90s, Rune Soldier delivers a rich colour palette of comedic fantasy adventure with memorable characters and unconventional RPG roles.
The idea of a brawny magician instead of the more traditional version opens up more possibilities; the jokes wear thin after a while and you can't help but shout at Melissa when she utters that it's against her will for the tenth time, we get it already.
And yes it's from the Record of Lodess War universe.
Dub isn't too bad, I've heard better.
Final Verdict: A decent fantasy comedy with strengths in its presentation and unconventional RPG setups only let down by jokes that wear thin after a while.

Midori no Hibi Review

If there was ever a more 00s anime than this, I've yet to see it.

Seiji is a delinquent, the toughest in school and famed for a super powerful right hand but his love life is non existent. Midori is a rich yet shy girl who wants to confess her undying love for Seiji but can't find the words, until one day, Seiji awakes with his right hand having become a mini Midori making her appearance look like a living hand puppet.
This bizarre event leaves the real Midori in an endless sleep, but Midori with her one true love embraces the situation leading to an adorable romance that may bring the nicer side out of Seiji, how will the new couple cope especially trying to hide the little Midori from the world.
I wouldn't try to understand the logistics that went into the fact that Seiji's right hand became a living girl, it's anime and it's very 00s.
The manga goes much further bringing more bizarre scenarios into the fray turning the cute romance into a harem, while the anime does go crazy with the setup, it's able to dial enough back to keep the core elements of being a romance series, that strength is held together by Seiji and Midori being made for each other and very strongly written.
The casual nudity is a bit off putting and there are one or two subplots that need ironing out but other than that, it isn't too bad.
I don't remember the dub being any good, the original Japanese voices shine here so the dub is kinda redundant.
Final Verdict: If you can turn off your brain from trying to work out how this universe works, you'll find a sweet romance anime.