After a delay were back with more reviews.

Set before the events of Bubblegum Crisis, the series looks into the AD Police and their daily fight against rogue boomers often centered around the growing themes of cybernetic replacement body parts and the question of how human are you despite the parts making you act more boomer than human. Now a subject like this needs the up most care and attention like a surgeon preparing for surgery, except the surgeon has been handed a blunt chainsaw. At least you can say Bubblegum Crisis had some form of restraint, AD Police not so much. It's aesthetic really conjures up some disturbing imagery making it very difficult to offer sympathy for each character especially the last two. Considering Bubblegum Crisis is cheesy 80s cyberpunk this is way darker and struggles as a result, just another ultra violent show.
Dub is not bad, nothing to write home about.
Final Verdict: A great idea executed with the finesse of a ninja wielding a machine gun, it's not really that good.
It's obvious that I'm writing more reviews on the basis of a certain virus preventing me from going out, I haven't got it but I'm stuck regardless so lets keep going.

Kosaku is a very talented boxer but recently he's had food problems in which he over eats, causing him to fail his weight class and puke up in the ring from body blows. After mistaking Kosaku for a starving beggar, Sister Angela, a nun in training hopes to steer Kosaku on the right path to regain his career but Kosaku will need all the help he can get.
This is really good writing, the chemistry between Kosaku and Angela feels real, Kosaku's food struggles are very relatable speaking from experience and I find it utterly hilarious that Angela can drink pretty hard even though she's probably not supposed to, it even made for a half decent live action version. It's also a very digestible sized OVA as it manages to do pretty much it's entire story in 50 minutes, wish I could say the same about Rumiko Takahashi's other works.
No dub but it still managed a licensed DVD in the west, it might get one if it gets a re-release.
Final Verdict: This is a good OVA, it goes to show that Rumiko Takahashi can write a decent story without going over a hundred episodes and deal with some real mental disorders instead of constant lol romance comedy.
Well that was terrible

Fieg is part of a NATO combat unit until he gets thrusted into a fantasy world, with his team slaughtered he ends up crashing his mech and losing his memory. About a year so later he joins a princess in stopping an evil sorcerer who can summon monster armies at will with only the Legend of the Dragon Slayer capable of stopping him. Fieg reunited with his mech, sets out to destroy the sorcerer with Dragon Slayer Sword in hand.
This is terrible, I don't know who was put in charge of this but they clearly never heard of consistency of tone before. It's obvious they were looking for a dead serious dark fantasy but the lead characters act like children and it's hard to take them seriously when they goof off especially not long after quite a dramatic scene of death and destruction made even harder by the utterly poor music choices. Then the villains lose all dignity when the sorcerer becomes a tentacle monster and that's all folks you've just gone off the rails.
No dub, no problem, we don't want it.
Final Verdict: A dark fantasy that keeps leaving the lights on, structured poorly and incapable of keeping it's tone with poor music and even poorer characters. It's terrible don't watch it, game might be better?
Insert witty/insightful opening sentence here.

Taking place 15 years after the GXP saga, Kenshi Masaki finds himself in Geminar, a world at war involving mechanoids. With his other world physiology being far superior to Geminars, he starts off on the wrong side but after he fails to assassinate Princess Lashara, he gets captured but instead of putting him to death, the crafty princess uses him as an attendant as she feels making him an ally would turn the tide of war in her favour especially when his nice guy persona coupled with his superior abilities makes him the perfect worker but this being a Tenchi Muyo anime, it's clear all the girls fall for him.
I'll just come out and say this, this isn't my Tenchi Muyo. In Tenchi Muyo the series' broken sci fi setting was saved by some really well designed characters, War on Geminar has really poor substitutes for those characters and it's lengthy run time per episode is packed full of filler that serves only to remind you of the franchise it's from. In the end you feel duped because you feel like you got something trying to copy Tenchi Muyo instead of it being a new season of Tenchi Muyo and it's not the first time this has happened.
All that aside can it stand up on it's own without the franchise tag? ummm kinda? It's hit or miss. Kenshi lacks a personality beyond being too nice while many of the girls can easily be pigeon holed into harem types, it's only real saving grace is the universe of Geminar beyond the huge spaceship is much more interesting but rarely gets explored.
A dub exists, I've not seen it but harem dubs rarely produce decent dubs anyway without hearing some very stock voices from the female cast.
Final Verdict: War on Geminar struggles with the Tenchi formula it inherited through being part of the same franchise. The characters are bland, the world outside the ship is way more interesting and the episodes are way too long to stay focussed on.
I'm just going to keep reviewing, got nothing better to do just trying to stay sane through all this virus nonsense.

Hideki is a college student trying to work his way into University, he dreams of owning a Persocom, an android that has the functions of a PC invented by the same person behind the angels of Angelic Layer, but luck is on his side when he discovers a unique persocom named Chi just lying in the trash who comes with a rather unique system. With his friends baffled by Chi's OS an expert points out that she may be a Chobits, a legendary series of persocoms that have free will. With this new information and Chi seemingly learning as she goes along, the line between human and technology becomes ever more blurred.
This started off cute and remained that way for a while, I dare say that it suits the anime really well but then Clamp went all Clamp on us. Granted this is better written than many of Clamp's sorry attempts at narrative but I was more than satisfied with the early content, it didn't even need to be that much more complex, in fact if it were a web short series I'd be happier for it.
Dub is passable if only for Chi and Sumomo everyone else is average.
Final Verdict: A cute story of an android learning to human muddled by Clamp's terrible narrative and convoluted multiverse, it should've stayed the same as the early episodes.