Hi I'm Dranzerstorm
You may remember me as a regular contestant on the caption battle contest.
Welcome to Retro Retrospective, my world dedicated to the old guard of the Otaku world; expect some reviews of the old & obscure, and in-depth geeky knowledge with the occasional top ten and I now have a logo.

Little info about me
Well I'm British and I'm in to all things animated and nostalgia.
I've grown up with every cartoon going and have watched hundreds of anime.
Oh and to answer a question I was asked once, no I don't wear glasses in real life, I would wear Loke's sunglasses though.

The Endless Wardrobe Z

Time for another edition of the Endless Wardrobe, a feature showcasing items I can't be bothered to write a full post for so let us begin.

I've Returned
I'm back now so keep on a look out for some new content including a couple of top tens and a cartoon vault entry from Scotland. As with my last post, please don't be afraid to send requests.

Blazblue Anime!
I didn't think it would be too long before we saw this, an Anime based on Arc Systems most stylish game but I won't even think of adding this to a best video game Anime list without Professor Kokonoe.

You have been warned.

Sub vs Dub
To save myself from having to write about this later, I do prefer dubs as I can't read that fast but understand that certain Anime suit a sub, especially when covering Japanese customs which don't translate well in English vocals. In other cases I'll watch subs if that's the only option.

My OCs
Something I've not brought up before are my OCs, I do enjoy writing stories and have written the occasional fanfic in the past, but in every one, my OCs are involved. If there is enough interest in this, I'll submit some fanfic in the near future.

That's it for now, watch closely for the next review.

On Break, Requests Open

I'll be on break until Monday due to traveling so in the mean time I'm opening requests.

You can request anything for Retro Retrospect or my sister world Walk of Fame.
You can request.....
A top ten list
Any Anime I haven't covered
A cartoon for the Vault
or a character who deserves a place on the Walk of Fame.
I look forward to hearing any requests and I'll be back on Monday 20th May.
See ya later.

Top 10 Falcon Punches

A Falcon Punch occurs many times throughout anime in which a single punch shows to have enough impact to not only hurt but be exaggerated to the point of earth shattering proportions so to honor that here are the top 10 Falcon Punches.
Rules this time: No multiple punches.
Disqualified: Domon Kashu's Burning & Shining Fingers aren't technically punches.
Honorable Mention: Captain Falcon himself from the F-Zero Anime for making this possible.
Dishonorable Mention: Ash Ketchum's fail punch on Mewtwo.
Now to begin.


10. Bunshichi Tawara from Tenjo Tenge & Seiji Sawamura from Midori Days
Both tied for 10th for doing exactly the same thing, destroying a freaking car. Seiji's punch goes so far it hits the driver whereas Bunshichi's punch launches the car as if it's on a spring.

9. King Kazma from Summer Wars
The awesome bunny avatar from the Summer Wars film gets an epic one on the antagonist Love Machine sending him flying through the firewalls.

8. Naruto from Naruto
I wonder how many people remember Naruto's first epic moment when he goes insane and delivers the biggest knockout punch to Haku. Tsunade & Sakura have their best punches but Naruto's is the first memorable moment of one of anime's biggest shows.

7. Shizuo from Durarara
The ever bad tempered Shizuo has always had exaggerated strength but one of his early punches not only sent a guy flying but his clothes fly off as well.

6. Goku from All Dragonball Series
Goku's Dragon Fist attack redefines the term Shoryuken by summoning a freaking dragon but in his early days he found fame with the Dragon Fist move by defeating King Piccolo with it. By the final series it still looks awesome.

5. Takeda Shingen from Sengoku Basara
Takeda's favorite way for showing his love, his fist of manly love between Tiger & Cub. Okay I can't fight it. YUKIMURA!!!! YOUR LORDSHIP!!!!

4. Natsu from Fairy Tail
An early one used on Jellal Fernandes during the Tower of Heaven arc. The impact almost destroys the tower in the process. A key moment in the series as this is the first appearance of Dragonforce.

3. Takamura from Hajime no Ippo
Boxing anime Hajime no Ippo really goes to town with it's fights by having punches so powerful it disturbs the air space around it, but Takamura's finisher on Brian Hawk is amazing for one reason.
It started with one of the biggest "Oh Crap" moments in anime history.

2. Luffy from One Piece
If you want a single punch to carry the weight of the world then Luffy's strike on the Tenryubito certainly shows that, animated beautifully and gave us the turning point of One Piece as a series.

1. Simon from Gurren Lagann
But if you want a Dynamic Entry for your punch then Simon's your man. In an up scaled version of the same punch Simon received from Kamina even quoting "Lets see you grit those teeth!" Simon takes the more epic approach by flying out of his mecha and laying one in the face of Rossiu.

Cartoon Vault: Dennis the Menace & Dennis the Menace

Now for something interesting for the Cartoon Vault, two characters with the exact same name and title but couldn't be more different, I present to you Dennis the Menace & Dennis the Menace.

In 1951 Hank Ketcham drew the American version of Dennis the Menace, around the same time a Scottish comic publisher here in the UK also made Dennis the Menace; to make things more confusing the pre-release of the UK is older but the publish date for the US came first, so it's a little confusing to say which one came first and which idea was stolen, but in this case I'd definitely pin it down to coincidence. As I said before there are unique differences in the characters.

American Dennis
Depicted as a much younger boy with blonde hair & freckles and a natural curiosity, Dennis seems to make trouble by accident often causing neighbors such as Mr Wilson to groan in despair at the amount of times he manages to cause problems. The actual cartoon was released in 1986 with a remake in the 90s and shows a very normal looking show of a group of kids having fun at the expense of the adults. The comics still run today despite the author's death.

British Dennis
In a very different twist the British Dennis is an older boy of about ten with black spiky hair and a red & black striped jersey causing mischief out of boredom alongside his pet dog Gnasher. This version is much closer to Bart Simpson than the American Dennis and many of his antics come dangerously close to straight up bullying especially when his foil is Walter the Softie, an effeminate good boy who comes close to being depicted as homosexual. UK Dennis got his cartoon in 1996 with a remake in 2009 that stripped him of his personality due to political correctness but his comic persona remains intact and still continues today.

Both comic strips are iconic but show two very different takes on youth culture. The American Dennis is very close to typical boys of the same age and invented the catchphrase "boys will be boys"
The British Dennis pushes the trouble making to much larger levels to the point where he could be considered a villain, and considering most comic strips depict his antics as being foiled, that would be the correct assumption to make. Bart Simpson has largely made these two redundant and the British version has another rival in Children's book character Horrid Henry who also has a cartoon series.
Both characters still remain a staple of youth culture and have made their mark in their own unique ways long after their original creators had passed on.

Top 10 Favorite Anime Merchandise

Having been an anime fan for many, many years I've picked up some great merchandise during that time and I'd like to share with you some of my favorites.
I can confirm that I own every item I will list in this top 10.

10. Gundam Wing Manga, Tokyopop release
The first manga I ever purchased and one of the first Tokyopop releases in the west, sits proudly next to the complete Rurouni Kenshin manga.
The release contained an omake strip featuring G Gundam & Gundam Wing.

9. Tenchi Muyo Mug
Sits proudly on my bedside table, full of an infinite amount of pens seeing as I write down most of my ideas rather than type them up on a computer, I've gone through 20 pens in the last two years.

8. Gurren Lagann Yoko Mousepad & Dai-Gurren Patch.
Complete with wrist support, a fun novelty item from my trip to Canada. The Dai-Gurren patch I proudly wear on the shoulder of my military coat. (I once wore it to a works presentation and had to describe it to the Managing Director during casual conversation, hilarious)

7. MARchen Awakens Romance Dorothy Keyring
Will always be on my car keys along with a Gurren Lagann Dai-Gurren crest keyring.

6. 1990 Mini Musha Gundam MKII Model
A Musha Gundam is this below

In basic terms it's a Gundam in Samurai Regalia, picked it up for £3 in a toy antiques shop. That's $4.60 in America, goes for a lot more in some places. Still had the free candy. 20 year old candy!

5. Evangelion Misato's Necklace
I also own Gray Fullbuster's Necklace but this one was more difficult to find.

4. Ranma 1/2 Gameboy Game
I've mentioned this before in a previous list. It was kinda like Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle or Flicky where you move items and avoid enemies and collect things to reach the goal.

3. Complete Set of Fairy Tail Zodiac Keys.
Complete with case that functions nicely as a box to keep all my watches and actual keys in.

2. Yu-Gi-Oh Sliffer the Sky Dragon Model
Sits proudly on top of my wardrobe, so big that it sometimes can't hold it's own weight, looks the most impressive among my other models but annoying to clean.

1. Lucky Star Chocolate Bread Money Tin
My favorite item has to be this one, I picked it up from a convention a few years ago and in basic terms it's Chocolate Bread in a can. Once finished it can be used as a money tin. It holds all my pennies and a small collection of foreign coins.