Urban Legends: The British Dub

I am from the United Kingdom, so getting anime is easy as we don't need to re-dub the series we receive from America and we can sometimes borrow licensing from France for more hard to come by stuff, but that's not to say that we didn't try dubbing, so I am here to share an urban legend with you. This is the tale of the All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku OVA British Dub. (Try saying that after a few drinks)

I'll do a proper review of the series later on, but lets review what we have so far. We British don't do things by half so when we picked up this obscure title back in the VHS era in the early 90s (it may even pre-date the American release), we did a full new opening theme and we were keen on giving the characters the most strongest accents we could give, thick Scottish and plenty of cockney, in fact some voices aren't that bad but with so little to work with and hardly any experience of dubbing it's almost like looking at Samurai Pizza Cats. (Another series for later on)
Just to prove this really does exist, take a look.

You can even do a comparison and decide which is better, in fact the guy who posted it had the full list of companies before the feature starts, that's a real classic VHS.
To give you a fair idea how obscure this title is, Anime News Network don't even have the credits listed and videos are so obscure I'm convinced that this guy has the only copy. So there you have it, the British have attempted dubbing before, I'm just glad they didn't try anymore, however I do like the idea of Naruto with a thick Scottish accent.
