Urban Legends: How Angela Anaconda Ruined Digimon

Before I start I should explain Angela Anaconda.

Angela Anaconda was a Canadian Cartoon that used Cutout animation which is essentially a mesh up of flat images cut out from sources such as kids drawings or black and white photos in the case of Angela Anaconda. It's basically reverse gender Doug but Angela is a lot more obnoxious, ironically this was first made for Nickelodeon before Fox took it up for US audiences.
Now for this pile of shame; you see Fox had the rights to the Digimon Movie and decided to try and promote it with a shameless self promotion for Angela Anaconda.
The basic plot is Angela and friends are going to see the movie and all rush to get seats until local stuck up fake French girl Nanette and her teacher Mrs Brinks block the view of the screen, then using her imagination she digivolves into Angelamon and defeats Nanette. After her little self indulgent fantasy they realize they're in the wrong movie screen and all rush away leaving Nanette and Brinks in a mess.
Yes that was real and here is the evidence to prove it complete with my own personal reaction to it.

This is pretty much how Anime haters pictured Digimon and that's a sad thing to comment on; it certainly didn't set us up well for the film, if anything we all felt put off by it. Not that the film is any better, it was a huge mess of a story anyway but that's for another review.
However if you want me to expand on the abomination that is Angela Anaconda, then post your comments below and she'll go into the vault.
