Steel Angel Kurumi Review

Following on from Mikhail's entrance on the Walk of Fame comes my review for Steel Angel Kurumi.

It's alternate Taisho period Japan and Nakahito is being bullied by local kids to go into a science lab run by a mad scientist. There he finds a pink haired robot girl dressed as a maid named Kurumi, however when the military attacks she accidentally gets activated by a kiss. From there Kurumi attaches herself to Nakahito like a magnet and hilarity ensues. During their time together they constantly have to avoid the likes of the Academy, a Military organization with eyes fixed on the Angels. They send Saki & Karinka after Kurumi but ultimately fail and end up joining the side and now it's suddenly Saber Marionette J.
I say it because that's essentially what it resembles. Saber Marionette J was another show with three androids worshiping a teenager but at the very least Otaru did something, Nakahito is pathetic, I hate to say that about a kid character as I usually give them a free ride but Nakahito is just pathetic.
I get the feeling the role for male lead was meant for an older male character as having a kid just seems wrong, 2nd season lead Nako Kagura isn't much of an improvement either despite being a girl, the right age and in the right era.
Speaking of era, despite being an alternate Taisho period Japan it sort of feels a bit out of place for realistic robots wearing maid costumes with football shoulder pads in an era where you can only really get away with Steampunk. Sakura Wars got it spot on with the steam powered mecha but Steel Angel Kurumi just doesn't feel at home in Taisho Period Japan, alternate history or not, it does fine in modern day Japan but not Taisho Period.
My last issue with the show is the stark contrast between action and comedy; simply put there's too much comedy over flowing the plot & action; the theme music doesn't help. I do enjoy the non action parts better ironically as it's more fitting to the comedy aspects of the show.
The dub is loud and over the top but I give it a free ride for choosing a good cast.
Final Verdict: The setting is strange, the idea's been done and the show ultimately can't decide between action and comedy. At the very least it's attractive to look at and the comedy can be funny but it's such a messy show that it can't sort itself out. Watch it out of interest but I wouldn't say buy it.
