Full Moon o Sagashite Review

Now we come to a series I really had trouble watching. It's Full Moon o Sagashite.

Full Moon is about a young girl named Mitsuki, who made a promise to an older boy named Eichi at the orphanage that she'll become a famous idol singer, unfortunately she has throat cancer and needs an operation to remove the danger, unfortunately worst news follows when two Shinigami, dressed up for an anime con, show up and tell Mitsuki she has one year to live.
Mitsuki then decides to chase after her dream, which gives the Shinigami problems as she may not want to leave the living world quietly, so male Shinigami, Takuto transforms Mitsuki into a 16 year old with full health which allows her to pass the audition and become a full idol singer, but from then on it just gets more complicated.
Full Moon looks like a happy series and the art style never fails at grabbing attention but there is a serious heavy theme of suicide involved in this story.
Now Shojo stories are no stranger to taking things seriously when they need to, just look at Sailor Moon for an example, but Full Moon is uncomfortable.
The way Shinigami work in this universe is that in their lives as humans, they committed suicide, so this can be considered other world community service; now it's hard to go into details as it spoils a lot of the story, but lets just say that the details are somewhat gruesome in context and shouldn't be suitable for young girls, but since it's Arina Tanemura, you're hundred percent guaranteed a happy ending regardless of what happens in between, that's just her style.
It doesn't become any easier when the design and tone for the anime is so colorful and happy that the serious scenes feel almost out of place.
On a more positive note, at least the music, the core part of the anime is fantastic.
So personally I find Full Moon hard to watch, but for years the Magical Idol or even the standard Idol genre has always been hit or miss, a collection of pretty, colorful costumes and pop music masking overly angsty undertones.
Final Verdict: Take it or leave it I'd say, there's enough to enjoy but be warned it can get very heavy on the angst.
