World God Only Knows Review

Moving on with my next review, World God Only Knows.

The story is about a master gamer named Keima Katsuragi who can conquer any dating game earning the nickname "God of Conquest", with these skills he has earned infamy within the online realm which catches the attention of the Demon World who have allowed numerous loose souls to escape and have sent Spirit Hunter Elsie to retrieve them, knowing that the task involves conquering the hearts of women as the loose souls feed on negative emotions that create dating scenarios, the Demon World requests the help of Keima which Keima stupidly agrees thinking it's another gaming challenge only to end up getting roped into spirit hunting and of course with this being a contract from hell, if he doesn't do it then he'll be beheaded along with Elsie by the purple collar now round his neck. Using his knowledge of dating games as his only reference, Keima must now conquer the hearts of real women which he has done his best to avoid for so long.
This show is genius, the writing is some of the best I've ever seen because you are always keen to see the result of each conquest and with each girl being different in personality it never gets boring and even the filler episodes are fun. (except Episode 4 about the Glitched game)
If there are any issues and there are, I'd say there's a pacing issue, some girls get more episodes than others and any more than two episodes drags on too long, and although I've only seen the first two seasons, reading the synopsis for season three hasn't given me much promise as it gets goddesses involved.
Those are nit picks though and it doesn't distract from some of the best parts of the show, and if you're an avid gamer then the references at the season one finale will make you smile, especially if you're old enough to recognize all the games consoles Keima plays and why the joke about the oldest console not exploding due it still loading is so funny. Also I should bring up Elsie, who is simply the cutest anime character I've ever seen and heard, especially when she's so enthusiastic about random things such as Fire Trucks.
The dubbing is also top notch and deserves a mention but the music is weird; reading some of the lyrics in the opening themes, the singers seem to agree with this.
Final Verdict: This is a brilliant series and deserves a watch, make sure to keep your focus during the slower paced episodes and you should get through the whole series with no problems.
