Cartoon Vault is back with a unique toy franchise series from France, it's Super 4.
Super 4 is a CGI cartoon featuring characters from the German made Playmobil building block toy franchise. The idea was to try and jump on the bandwagon of the overwhelming success story that was the Lego Movie and it just so happens that it's Playmobil's 40th anniversary.
The cartoon takes place in a multi-themed land of medieval, magic, pirates and futuristic as they are the building sets that sell the best. The characters are Alex the Knight, Gene the Secret Agent, Ruby the Pirate and Twinkle the Fairy as quite often the characters find themselves saving Alex's Kingdom more than the others with occasional back stories and inventions gone wrong scenarios.
It's no where near the same quality as Lego shows as it seems to lack comic timing and most of their adventures are far too safe to really get kids interested, and despite being a cast of four main characters, it's Ruby and Alex who steal most of the spotlight as Gene feels like he doesn't want to be in the cartoon while Twinkle has the attention span of a canary in a mirror shop.
To give the show credit, it's a valiant effort and caters for all tastes but doesn't quite do enough to really tempt any viewers away from Lego and the lack of suspense and comedy doesn't make the show all that intelligent. The show is available on TV in most European Countries, not sure if it's licensed for North American release.
Cartoon Vault: Super 4