Taking a break from the heavy theme of Gender Swap and moving onto regular anime I've seen in the last couple of months starting with Doujin Work.
Doujin Work starts on a train, keep an eye on it as it'll appear in every episode, anyway; Najimi Osana is a college girl who wants an easy way of making money, but after being fired from her part time job, things start to look down until her friend Tsuyuri shows her how to make money through selling Dojinshi, disillusioned and with help from a tall male college student named Justice and his little cosplay girlfriend Sora, Najimi attempts to make her own Dojinshi to sell at Comiket.
The show is in an unusual format as it's 12 episodes each running 15 minutes long but consists of 12 extra episodes of live action footage from the main cast, the live action stuff is distracting so were focusing just on the anime itself.
The anime is okay, it's just long enough to not get tired and it's innuendos are amusing and even when the jokes were looking like getting tired they change at just the right moment to keep it fresh. The characters feel a bit weak apart from Sora and Tsuyuri who are both magnificent and the plot really doesn't lead to a satisfying conclusion, and above all, Najimi isn't really deserving of a happy ending anyway as nothing she does really warrants her earning it.
No dub as there wasn't any on the DVD, it may have worked better if it did.
Final Verdict: Charming in places but never really encourages itself to be anything other than average, worth the $12 price tag I paid, £8 in English money.
Doujin Work Review