World War Blue Review

Two more anime will follow this review along with a special on Hugtto Precure but lets start with something easy.

The world of Consume is at war between the Segua and Ninteldo armies, wait, wait, wait. Haven't you already done this series?
Yes, I have but since that review came out, the series got licensed so lets check out the dub.
Long story short this is the video game console wars if it was an actual war with popular game characters and franchises acting as soldiers with names hidden to block pesky copyright; what we get is a lesson in gaming history mixed with a fantasy lore that's convoluted at best and utterly ridiculous at worst. Since neither manga or anime were realeased finished I later abandoned it.
The manga goes off story and focusses on politics surrounding other characters not yet essential to the plot.
The anime cuts off when Gear becomes the new general and all soldiers start getting interested.
Now the dub, the cast knew full well what they were in for and they didn't hold back the video game quotes really making it groantastic not helped by it's frequent attempts to strip it's female characters.
Final Verdict: It'll always be known as a great idea not fully realized but it left it's mark by being that one series brought up in trivia videos on YouTube for years to come.
