Baoh Review

Back to our creator special and next on the creation list is Hirohiko Araki and the anime Baoh.

Ikurou was a normal boy until he was abducted by evil scientists and injected with a parasite named Baoh that gives the host super powers but after a chance encounter with a psychic girl, Ikurou escapes.
The scientists led by Dr Kasuminome must destroy Baoh in order not to reveal to the world that they created a super soldier.
Baoh is ultra violent, the type that works alongside the likes of Fist of the North Star of which Baoh is heavily inspired by. So don't expect anything intelligent as all you'll get is good old cheesy violent action but perhaps what this anime is better known for is it's laughably terrible dub, which consists mostly of stating the bloody obvious all the time mixed with some god awful voicework, it's definitely on the so bad, it's good scale.
So who is Hirohiko Araki? You may know him as the creator of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, although that work has been his continuous work for three decades you can definitely see inspirations for some of the Stand designs later seen in Stardust Crusaders in Baoh.
Final Verdict: So bad, it's good if only for it's infamously horrible dub, without it, it just looks like an incompetent action show with over the top violence.
