Battle Royal High School Review

Okay, that happened, I wasn't expecting to review this but Youtube had it.

Hyoudo Riki is the toughest guy in school, but his day gets crazy when the king of the demon world takes control of his body who apparently sees Riki as his doppelganger; forced to work with this being, Riki is drawn into a private war against the Fairy Master who is taking students from Riki's school and mutating them into monsters to fight Riki, with an exorcist and a space police officer being dragged into the equation who have their own business with the Demon King.
This is ultra violent which is surprising since I found it on Youtube of all places but Youtube has always been into double standards.
Being honest it's pretty terrible, there are a few set pieces which are never really brought up again and there's not really enough time to go over the plot as a whole, it doesn't help that Riki is an absolute clueless dumb ass.
However I'll give it a pass on the dub mostly because it just makes it laughably terrible in the process which helps it alot because something this crude can only really be witnessed in English.
Final Verdict: I don't need to tell you how bad this is, just uttering Ultra Violent is enough for it to be utterly terrible only saved by the fact that the dub makes it laughable.
