Now for a lesson in what to do with a dull story.
The story revolves around Satsuki who moves to a town haunted by a multitude of ghosts from an abandoned school, together with other local kids and a demonic cat, Satsuki sets about exorcising the ghosts.
On it's own merits, it's really tedious to watch, you'll feel like you're wasting away into nothingness, thankfully ADVfilms agreed and decided to turn it into a deliberate gag dub, not the first to do so as Samurai Pizza Cats were the first to do this but while that dub was a result of poor preservation on the part of the Japanese this one was more along the lines of: "What do we do with this anime? We got it as a freebie when we got the Saiyuki license but it's really dull. I know, the voice actors need to let off some steam lets just take the piss out of it"
And what you got was comedy genius, one of the few times you would completely ignore the subtitled version.
Final Verdict: Without the comedic dub this wouldn't even be worth the effort to watch, it's proof that you can sometimes get something from a freebie anime license.
Ghost Stories Review